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"Doesn't matter where I go there's always a noble that's trying to pick a fight. Be it royalty or some got damn stuck up prick with nothing better to do," lying down on the bed I sighed. My appetite disappeared right after Begami left.

"Good can come from this."

"Like what Iris," rolling over as she sat down beside me on the bed she rubbed my chest.

"You can analyze the power of the ones in charge here. It'll help figure out how much damage will be received."

"Yea well you also gotta think about the fact that there is a large amount of S ranked adventurers here as well as A ranks and below."

"Wouldn't make sense otherwise," doing her nightly routine on the floor Nell seemed focused,"If you ask me we are under manned."

"Well the adventurers are going to be on the outside the soldiers on the inside," the sound of knocking on the door caused all of us to shift our attention. Raiju slowly rose up from the corner ready to pounce. Extending my senses to the outside of the door it felt like no one was there.

"Confused, I can't feel anyone there."

"Same," strolling over to the door I readied myself to attack if need be. Pulling it open a smile ran across my face.

"I knew it. Only you would cause trouble with a royal or a noble as soon as you got to a new country, Marcel."

"He had it coming," stepping to the side Neum made his way in.

"What? Neum why are you here?"

"We agreed to meet back up here didn't we?"

"But, doesn't the king hate humans?"

"Not all of them just a vast majority," staring around the room Neum was confused,"Did Ida already head to sleep?"

"Nah, he's actually on an adventure of his own."


"No," Iris giggled,"he found him someone and they went back to his home village."

"Damn, well good for him. Oh! I almost forgot why I came," turning to me there was a grim look on his face,"Begami is incredibly strong. Do not under estimate him he-," holding my hand up Neum stopped.

"You don't need to tell me I'll be fine," shrugging he sat down on the floor.

"How the hell did you get here though," doing a handstand Nell started to do push ups.

"Well the king wouldn't let Celia come and for obvious reasons. As for how I got here well the same as you just a different boat. Met a few people here did a few good deeds there and by some stroke of luck his daughter fell in love with me."

"Typical isekai hero bullshit."

"Yea you're one to talk."

"Where am I supposed to meet him again?"

"Don't worry, they will come and get you in the morning a little before noon," getting up off the ground he yawned,"after this is done we have a lot to talk about. I'll assume you heard about the mess with all the random monsters. I've kept it a secret till now but I have a general idea of the cause but it won't look good coming from me. See you tomorrow," leaving the room everything was silent.

"The first prince huh."

* * *

"OI! Wake up," heavy banging was on the other side of the door. Rubbing my head while heading to the door I slowly pulled it open.

"Can I help you," two beastman guards were standing outside.

"You are the one that was challenged by Begami correct?"

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