Princess Quincy

621 21 38

"Ahhhhhh," stretching my arms out as I awoke my bones popped.

"Goodmorning master," Ignis was sitting on the window sill gazing outside.

"Anything interesting?"

"Yes, there are many weak familiars in this place but I do sense a few strong ones. One could even be comparable to my full power," so the girl at the tavern wasn't lying.

"Could you beat it?"

"Of course, the great me is the familiar of the Dragon God after all."

'''Goodmorning daddy,''' shifting my focus down Yura was rubbing her eyes.

'''Did you sleep well?'''


'''Good. Let's go get breakfeast,''' hopping out of the bed I pulled some of the clothes we bought yesterday.

'''This one! It looks like daddies,''' holding up a gold dress she was waving it around.

'''Alright go ahead and put it on,''' taking up the dresses that we took I put them back into the demensional storage.

'''All done,''' spinning around Yura giggled.

'''Just as beautiful as your mom. Come on let's go,''' turning to walk out of the room she grabbed my tail. Ignis jumped on top of my head causing her to gasp.

'''Ah! Daddy what's that?'''

'''One of my familiars.'''

'''Can I hold him,''' Ignis hopped off my head and into her arms,'''He's so softttttttt.'''

'''His name is Ignis. If something ever happens he will protect you,''' starting our journey to the dine in area once again we left the room. Yura ran in front of me chasing Ignis around the hall. The same game of tag he would play with Rem when she wanted to cuddle him. Damn, I really need to hurry back,'''Hey be careful the stairs are right there,''' both of them stopped and waited for me. Traversing the stairs we got back down to the main lobby with a different receptionist from yesterday.

"Goodmorning sir."

"Goodmorning. Is the dine in busy right now?"

"Not at all. Most people are still sleep since the clock has only struck eight rings."


'''Daddy what language is that.'''

'''It might be difficult so I'll teach it to you another time,''' stepping into the dining area it was very quiet. Only a handfull of people were eating at this time. Sitting down at a table a waitress came up to us.

"What can I get for you today."

"A fruit baskest, some bread and any juice you have."

"I'll be right back," after waiting for a few minutes the waitress came back with everything I asked for. All of the fruit was diced finely and there was butter with the bread.

'''Try this,''' taking out a fork I stabbed it into a piece of fruit that looked like a pineapple. Yura bit into it and smiled.


'''Okay okay here,''' laughing I gave Yura more until she started coughing,'''here drink some juice.'''

'''Okay,''' Yura took the cup and started to guzzle the drink.

'''Oi, slow down. It's not going anywhere,''' pouting, Yura tried to drink a little more slowly. I'm adjusting to this surprisingly well. Maybe I was always more mature than I gave myself credit for.

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