Crescent Valley

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For the past three days everyone more or less just trained or laid around the house. We had enough money at the moment to not have to worry about finding a place to sleep when we got to Vilua. We were told to be outside of the East gate by 9 o'clock no later or we won't make it in time for the merchant to get his things set up properly. The merchant finally came outside of the gate and was surprised to see us standing there.

"Well aren't you here early," Trulis was sitting in the front carriage beside a pretty old looking guy holding the reins.

"Early is on time," I walked up to his carriage while inspecting it and the horses. So far out of all the ones I have seen these are considerably in better shape.

"Haha. Well I guess that is true. I have placed the five of you in the third carriage," Trulis leaned over and pointed to a carriage coming out of the gate.

"Why that one."

"You guys will be great to guard our middle I know you have good sensory skills and your combat is high to. You aren't gold ranked for nothing," he had a point and I really didn't mind guarding the middle anyway.

"Hey Trulis you've been around to a lot of places right?"

"Yes I have."

"Then I have two questions. Compared to the adventurers you have seen in the past how strong am I? The other is what is the most amount of familiars you have seen one person with," I looked Trulis in his face to see if he would lie but he didn't seem to be coming up with one. He looked as though he was genuinely thinking.

"I'd set you pretty high up there. I'm not a fighter personally but my son loves to fight. Dealing with him training a lot I grew to and I can sense mana at least decently I also found out I can use a bit of wind magic. Your mana is immense if I can sense this much coming from you I'm really impressed. On to your next question, the most familiars I have seen with one person is twenty. Princess Quincy over in Tyji Desert I don't know how she got that many. From what I know if you have at least average mana you can have about four strong ones or ten weak to medium ones," that is valuable information because I already have three overpowered ones now.

"Vran, Ulrin, Raiju come out," I started to have my familiars keep distance from me so they could check my surroundings all the time but for this quest it would be better to show at least my employer.

"""Yes master,""" all three of my familiars were standing in between me and Trulis who looked almost as surprised as my companions.

"You have three and they are quite powerful. You have yet to cease impressing me," Trulis laughed.

"I have a lot more. Anyway I want you three to keep focus and make sure that nothing gets close in front, from the sides, or the back. You can choose the way the three of you operate just don't immediately kill whoever it is," I turned to walk towards the approaching carriage.

"""Yes Sir,""" the three of them vanished and I heard Trulis whistle. I couldn't help but smile a little but it died when I made eye contact with my friends.

"What," I gave them a perplexed look.

"Well we are just surprised about your familiars. The only one that we have seen this entire time is Raiju and he gets annoyed with us," that isn't completely true you have seen my other familiars just never noticed. Can't tell you that though.

"He doesn't get annoyed that's just how he is. The other two I gave an order to keep hidden so as you can tell they followed it," I hopped into the carriage and sat down. The others followed me one by one of course Iris and Nell sat directly beside me while Kion and Rem sat across from us.

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