Royal Trouble

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"He is insane to say such things! Guards! Arrest him and put on a slave collar," guards came at me from many angles. Glancing behind me I saw the Duke let a huff of air out before rubbing his temples.

"You gonna stop them," he just looked up at me.

"They listen with force. Don't worry you'll be pardoned as long as no one dies," I guess it's good my sword is now my shirt. The first one ran up to me and jabbed with his spear.

"Hey I thought you guys were gonna catch me," I sidestepped and uppercutted him then jumped up kicking him back into a group of guards behind him. Flipping back I landed on my feet as a sword came down vertical to me. Ehhh the guys are slow as hell. I held my hand out activating {Lightening Clad} shocking his whole body. After he dropped my body forcefully squatted down. Thanks for the lookout.

{As always.} Everytime she talks it's starting to sound more human. Soon I'm going to have to give her a name. Watching as the blade went over my head I saw three more coming from my left, right, and straight ahead.

"IGNIS," The Snevil was red now. He ran up to me jumping off my back delivering a hard kick to the man behind me. I spun on my hands making my tail collide with all the swords. None of them were prepared as all of the swords got knocked back. I swiped my right hand mid air as a ball of fire hit the left one in the chest. While I was still spinning in the air I amplified the air from my leg and launched a turrent of focused air at the guard on my right. A bright red blur zigzagged under me smacking the last guard in the chest blowing him away. As I landed Ignis hopped on top of my head and growled. Blood was pumping so fast through my body this was getting me excited.

"You damn lowly beast," Ignis hopped off my shoulder and started to terrorize another group of guards. My tail wrapped around a spear heading towards my neck.

"About time you guys grew balls and went for the kill," I pulled him forward with my tail and hit him with an elbow to the gut knocking the air out the man. Falling on his hands and knees he dropped the spear. My eyes then turned to another group of timid guards. All of them were shaking with their spears pointed at me. Not being interested I turned and walked away. Heading toward the fat noble who called for the guards. I reached my hand out about to grab him to scare the shit out of him. My hand never reached his collar instead I was pulled back. A man with long silver hair was standing beside the fat noble. He was about 245 centimeters tall unlike his height his body wasn't stacked with muscle. He wore platinum paladin like armour that had a Tarus like symbol on the chest plate. At the moment I didn't care how big. The fight was to enjoyable.

"CHARLES! Where the hell have you been. That vile beastmen does not know his place so show him the way to hell," Charles just looked at him.

"Do note you aren't my boss," his voice was stern and cold,"I do not serve you. Next time you call my knights and it's not the Dukes orders. I'll have your head," the fat noble shook and fell backward,"there is no point in continuing this fight. You're blood is pumping you are to into this and don't seem to notice."

{Sorry. I couldn't pull you back in time and since you didn't make a sound I was going to let your body heal it. The healing should be done in about ten more seconds.} With instinct I looked at my left arm which was gone and blood was running out like a waterfall. I put pressure on my shoulder but kept my eyes on the knight captain.

"You aren't going to back down? You put up a good fight but I'm out of your league," he smiled at me like I was a poorly made toy. Slowly he pulled his axe out of the ground and I saw my arm right there.

"Correction. I'm out of your league. Just because a gnat can hurt a lion doesn't mean it has the power to kill it," I watched as my arm hyper regenerated and so did my jacket shirt. Everyone's eyes went wide. Ignis ran up as I scratched his chin,"sit this one out. I'm not gonna go all out but I do want to use my power on someone who can take a hit," Ignis hopped off my head still growling. I yanked the jacket off and watched as it returned to its original form. My longsword.

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