The Surface

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"Hey Kion what the hell happened to him," Kion had Marcel's right side and I was on his left. He had changed. His body was now muscular but it didn't beef up to much. The thing that now stood out was his new scales and wings. His scales were bigger and appeared a hell of a lot sturdier ending with claws. Protruding from his back were two long obsidian black wings. The bone structure of the wings were gold. Let's not forget the strong amount of magic pouring from him. It's like I'm staring at a low S ranked adventurer this was a boost of power. Wait. I'm not from here so what would be an S ranked adventurer here?

"I don't know this didn't happen the last time," Kion brought my attention back out of my thoughts.

"Are we close to the old lady's place yet" I called out to Iris who was currently leading.

"Yea we should be there soon how is he holding up," she looked back at me obviously worried about her lover.

"He's breathing fine but his temperature is rising steadily. We need to lay him down and soon," we continued in silence for a while until I decided to ask the Snevil the question,"hey Ignis. What happend to Marcel."

"When you call to me do it with respect human," it's weird to hear such a small and cute animal with a deep voice.

"Okay. The great Ignis would you mind telling us what happened," the Snevil seemed to like my tone.

"Smart human. My master took his first step to Godhood. You will encounter this many more times throughout your adventures. He has only started to breach the surface of his true power. The great me will only say it one time. If you think this power is to much leave now. My master does not need those with weak hearts by his side," no one said a word.

"Well he's marrying me so he doesn't have a choice," Iris looked behind her and stuck her tongue out.

"I've already laid claim to him to. He's not going anywhere unless I'm around and my heart. Its strong so is my power," Nell flexed and gave Ignis a proud smile.

"While I haven't gotten to make my own claim yet I'm going to stick around to. I live for the thrill of fighting beings that are powerful and after that little incident. I just can't help but get excited," oh great the battle maniac to.

"I'm staying because me and big brother Marcel are the same," I still didn't know Rem's story. I also didn't understand why they let a kid join.

"I agree with the rest. Mostly due to the fact that during our first encounter Marcel kicked me pretty hard with body reinforcement magic. It hurt like hell. Also Rem he can't be a big brother you're older then him," she stuck a tongue out at him.

"He's big brother if I say he's big brother," everyone then looked to me.

"I don't really know what to say. I'm kind of surprised right now that Rem is older than Marcel," Kion just looked at me and laughed.

"Yea I guess you weren't around for that huh," everyone else laughed to.

"But onto the main thing. He's unorthodox. From the time I met him he never did things normal people would do. Quite honestly I've heard that adventures with people like that are the best," Ignis seemed to like all of our answers.

"Fine. The great me will trust all of you. But know that if you ever show that you will give up your word. Even for a second. The great me will burn you alive," I shuddered at the thought. Even though Ignis was a small cute animal he was still categorized as a divine beast. There are only said to be nine of them and at their full powers are said to be able to destroy entire nations. As we kept our pace I saw Iris vanish from the tree line. Shortly after Nell stopped in front of us.

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