My Weird Life

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Why is it so hot? Well it could just because of me I know I am. Wait, seriously why the hell is it so hot? I try to move my body a little but I feel something heavy on top of me.

"Huh? Your awake Marcel? Or are you still just lying there faking because you want your cute big sister to play with you," no, no, no and I mean hell to the no. I'm not that kind of guy please believe me. Growing up with Mya got me pegged as a sis-con so got damn much I had to move schools on more than one occasion. I thought when she graduated last year she would leave for college but nope she chose to stay and antagonize me for unknown reasons. I move so I can look up and ask why the hell she is messing with me so early on my last day of break before school.

"Uhh," she moaned out loud and grabbed me, "when you move like that so suddenly it just does something be more careful Marcel~," this is what I mean. Situations just. Like. This.

"Mya, you have absolutely five seconds to get the hell off of me and explain what you're doing bothering me this early," I growled at her while she looked me dead in the face like all of the is normal with a huge smile.

"It's the day of our date silly," yea fuck five. I go to reach for my jar filled with bugs because she really hates bugs of any kind and instead of hard glass I feel something soft and sticky. I lower my eyes at her because she is starting to look more ecstatic licking her fingers.

"Hey sis where is my jar?"

"Haa... Umm. Your jar is. Haa..."

"Why are you panting like a crazy dog," she took the hand that she wasn't licking and pointed and I almost lost my shit. It was her vibrator and as soon as I saw it she hopped off me and ran out the room. Hey I guess that means the anger is showing on my face is humongous. Who the hell am I even talking to. I jumped out the bed after her but by the time I made it to the door she was already halfway down the stairs. I looked back at my desk where my pc was and took the rope I had tied to it off. No, I do not use this in a freaky way you perverted bastards. I use this rope to keep my sister out yea. That's it I don't use it for sexual activity ha-ha. Wow sometimes I can really be a loser. I run back out the door and jump over the rail and land on the bottom floor which isn't something normal people would do. But I come from a family of martial artist and used to train a lot so I'm fine for the most part. I walk around the bottom of the first floor. I make it through the kitchen, living room, the den, and my only thought is she made it outside and as I'm about to open the slide door to go out I hear panting in the closet behind me. We have no dog so I knew what it was immediately a smile ran across my face. Let's beat her at her own game.

"I wonder where sis went. She got me all excited so I got some rope for us to play and she just left," as soon as I finished the closet door burst open behind me. Oh shit! A maniac appeared what will you do? Of course its capture it's a rare animal after all. I'm sorry for my cringe I just can't help it.

"Oh myyy~ my little Marcel has finally accepted the love that flows between us~," like hell. She closed her arms to try to wrap them around me but I duck and she flies over me. I grab her legs after she hits the ground and bind them with one end of it. She grabs my arm and I tie the rope to that wrist put it behind her back and wrap it around her other wrist then complete the knot around her lower back. I stand back and look satisfied. N-not satisfied that I tied her up just proud that I got it done so easily.

"What are you gonna do now Marcel," the way she is looking at me and its beginning to get kind of disturbing.

"Nothing. Your gonna sit there and I'll untie you either when you calm down and apologize or when I get back home," I cross my arms and look down at her.

"I will never say sorry for my love," well I give up. I turn around and go upstairs and leave her alone yelling and screaming about "her love for me". At this point I'm lost. This past year since graduation she has become more and more bold like I'm a target for capture. I don't even want to begin about all the times she replaced my books and games-. Oh shit I almost forgot about new game coming out today. War of the Gods it was a mmorpg game that let you choose between races being good or evil and then joining a faction or a group and rule your server and maybe even everything whenever the crossover happened. Just like real life though, there was no guarantee that you would be strong. You could choose the demon race that was stronger than any race in magic and close combat. The rate in which they grew was slow to balance the game but when you maxed then out your character might be weaker or stronger than one with the exact same build. No unique skills, clothes, or blessings everything was literally to luck being that way it wasn't really uncommon for people to have three or more characters they were working on.

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