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"You should learn the proper way to speak to those above you," my eyes lowered.

"I'd like to just get this over with," backed by lightening I dashed at him. Kazoku gave me a devilish grin and backed away as I charged forward. When I was in range I let off diagonal slash which he dodged by leaning to the right. Quickly reacting I flipped the blade giving it a reverse grip to hack at him again. He ducked down this time. Taking the momentum from the missed sword swing I round house kicked him square in the face some distance from me.

"Not bad. This is actually enjoyable. However, is this is your strength then unfortunately you won't be able to win. Even with your lightening I outclass you in speed," he gave me an ear to ear grin.

What do you think?

{He isn't completely incorrect. At your current state it will be hard for you to get a decisive blow. The best course would be to catch him off guard. You're full power is enough to damage him immensely. You could possibly kill him.} Peering over to him I could still see his annoying smile.

"That ugly ass smile of yours is bothering me," his smile widened.

"Then come and wipe it off my face," he held his hands out in the air to his sides. Baiting me huh?

"<wind spear>," the wind behind me gathered into many spears. His eyes grew.

"I didn't take you to be one who was good at wind magic. I'll match you," ten wind spears appeared behind him. You didn't chant. I'll have to keep that in mind. I've been careless to much here lately so I really need to focus this time around. I almost used no chant but then that would give it away that I could. My eyes are still normal to so I have tricks that I can use.

"You think that is enough," I rushed him with a flurry of strikes catching him off guard.

"Wait I thought you were going to use magic," giving a feint he guarded his right side. Kicking the side of his leg he kneeled down. Taking an immediate mountain stance I sliced down. He evaded my attack by diving to the side sending his wind spears at me. I dodged them all still saving mine. Using my spears now would be a waste.

"Is that all you got," giving his ego a push I could see anger start to show on his face.

"Fine. I shall eradicate you," he floated into the air,"<Blood Bath>," blood started rising into the air forming little round blobs. I was confused at first then one shot at me full speed. My body forcefully dodged. Many more started to fly at me faster than the last. I finally got hit in my thigh and it made me fall over,"was it to much to handle."

"Nope it was just getting fun. Go again," I sheathed my katana and crouched down.

"You should really learn when to give in, <blood bath>," once again the blobs formed in the air. Instead of attacking one by one and wearing me down slow like last time I was met by a barrage all at once. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and stilled my hand over the hilt of the blade,"Giving up after that big talk? How pathetic."

"Laido," using a stance and a technique from my old world I gave a single cut into the air. Lightening crackled around me as I resheathed the sword again. With a burst Kazoku flew backwards slamming hard into the side of a home. He popped out of the house looking extremely pissed off. Laughing I once again took the laido stance. Kazoku flew right up in front of me with his wings out then swiped down with his hand. Again with quick precision I slashed my sword then put it away. This time he lost his arm.

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