Body Change

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WASSSGOOOODDDD! Another update and so soon? Yea I guess I am feeling pretty good. I hope you guys enjoy and seriously. If you want to give me a character idea and design I can make them a villain or a support. Just let me know what you think I need to add to the story. Anyways enjoy!



Angel's Guidance you think I should go alone?

{That would not be wise. You may be to weak to move.}

Why? What's going to happen? Am I going to have to fight the damn squirrel?

{It's a snevil and no. Your body might not be able to handle your power.} I was confused by what Angel's Guidance said. I just sat there with my hands behind my head staring at the ceiling trying to form answers.

"Hey," I felt Iris pull my horn to get my attention then she leaned in really close, "next time you aren't paying attention I'm going to pull something else," I rolled my eyes and averted my attention to Kion who seemed mildly annoyed with how lax I was.

"Well you were right about this being different but you look as though you are uninterested," he leaned up and put his elbows on the table, "so what's the plan to get rid of the Snevil."

"We aren't," I got up and walked away from the table towards the door.

"Wait so we aren't doing the request," I looked over my shoulder to see Nell looking confused. I shook my head.

"Nah we're doing the request. Just my way," I gave a toothy grin and walked out the door while everyone followed.

"Real smart to walk out and not ask where the shrine is," Kion had the map in his hands and was fumbling with it trying to find the shrine. I took it out his hands and ripped it up.

Angel's Guidance?

{Already got the location.} That's my girl. I smiled.

"I already know where it's at," I tapped the side of my head then jumped up into the trees around me. As we took off from the old lady's house and headed towards the shrine I still thought in the back of my head what Angel's Guidance said. Who was that lady and how much does she know exactly?

* * *

"{Convert}," I felt my old brittle body slowly start to grow and become more refined. I felt my hips fill in and my chest grow heavy but the part I was happiest to have back is my bright green hair that went with my purple a green eyes. It just looked so beautiful. I gazed out the window as the boy and his group finally took off into the trees. Trying not to give myself away was hard. He practically knew I was tipping him off I saw his demeanor change as I talked about the Snevil. I can't wait till he gets stronger so I can see what he can realllyyyy do. If he's strong enough I'll finally be able to have kids I can be proud of. That'll have to wait though I need to remain a secret for as long as possible. I walked out the door and took one last look at the tree.

"It wasn't long but I'll miss you," I looked at the small cozy home for a few more seconds and sighed, "{Reanimate}," I watched as the house slowly became it's true form again. I walked away peeking over my back with a slight smile, "I can't wait to see you again. Maybe we can both get what we want~," a few more steps into the trees and there was no longer a trace of me being there.

* * *

"Soooooo how close are we," Kion why must you be so impatient.

"Not far, I'd say about ten minutes max," we did take a break and actually walk instead of speed blitzing through like we normally do jumping through trees and running full speed.

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