Unknown Danger

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The soft sound of the rain falling onto the carriage was soothing to me. I was laying down in the back with Iris and Nano passed out beside me while Nell led the carriage. Raiju was huddled up in the corner snoring louder than anything I've ever heard. We are currently outside of the gate checkpoint to get into Rystin. As the tarp slid out of the way Nell peeked her head in.

"We're up next," nodding at my question she lowered the tarp. Lifting myself up I stretched then shook both girls. Nano got up groggily while Iris just rolled over and continued to sleep. Filling my hand with a gust of wind I threw it at her rattling her awake and on guard.

"What's going on! What happened?"

"It's about to be our turn to check in," grumbling under her breath she started to move around. Climbing out of the carriage and into the rain there was only one person ahead of us,"what's the deal with him?"

"Dunno, I think the guards are declining him entry," hopping out of the carriage I made my way to them.

"Either pay the fee or turn back!"

"B-but I got attacked on my way here by thieves they stole everything."

"That's not my problem."

"How much is the entry fee," both of them turned to me.

"Why are you asking?"

"Obviously because I want to hurry this up. How much is it?"

"Ten silver."

"Tell me that's a joke."

"It's not. He has no identification so the cost is extra,"rubbing my temples I reached in the dimensional storage and pulled out ten silver. The guard stared at me wide eyed.

"What's the matter?"

"You just used spacial magic."

"What about it," the guard swiftly made his may to me and got down on his knees.

"Please tell me that you are here for the request as well?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you going to let him in or not."

"Yes right away, OI! Someone get him an id and let him into the city," a few other guards came and escorted the man to a nearby room in the rampart,"listen there isn't much time. The adventurers guild is in the center of the town, just straight down the road, go there," not wanting to say anything else to him because I was so confused I walked back to the carriage. Everyone was about to get off but I motioned them to get back on.

"Don't we need to let them search it and check our guild cards?"

"Somethings going on here and the guard became adamant on me going straight to the guild when he saw my spacial magic."

"What do you think it could be," shrugging I ushered Pegasus forward through the gate. Laying back I stared up at the sky letting the rain fall onto me. After riding in silence for a while the carriage came to a halt. The guild was on my right and from the magic on the other side of the door there were many people somewhere inside.

"Curious, where do we leave Pegasus?"

"That's a good question Nano," glancing around I searched for a place.

"If you need a place to leave your carriage and mount then bring them here," shifting myself to the other side of the carriage a beastman lady was holding a basket of fruits. Behind her was an inn.

"To an inn?"

"I know how it appears but this place is for adventurers so we keep a place for mounts and familiars," gazing down at Pegasus she tilted her head down letting me know it was okay.

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