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These are sad times. I'm going to be moving out of state soon also the end of this arc or season(whichever you want to call it) is coming to an end. I'll pick it back up after awhile. Anyways enjoy the chapter.



Standing on my sword I stared down at the demon girl. When me an Ida first started on our way here we ran into a cloaked figure carrying a kid. Had it not been for that we would've made it a lot sooner. As I stared at her I could smell the fear and it was intoxicating. I'm not going to let you get away. I let my wings slide out my back so I can fly after her if she tries to run away.

"The human is already problem enough for me alone. Now a draconian is in my way as well. You leave me no choice," placing her hands in the air I could feel energy start to form above her. No idea what you're trying to do sweetheart. But not a chance. I cut a front flip and grabbed my sword. Pulling with all my might amplifying it with my lightening I sliced right through her causing her body to separate in two. Turning around I sheathed my sword.

"I'm not going to just sit back and watch you do something that could potentially kill me," walking away my ears could faintly hear words. Ida turned to me wide eyed.

"We need to go to the Duke and tell him that this is danger level four. If you see Marata or anyone strong tell them to spread out and stop the fires," his panic worried me.

"What's going on?"

"She was summoning. I can't tell if she finished before she died. All I can tell is that it's powerful and her energy is still strong right here," that is odd. Why can I sense her energy if she's dead? That only means. Walking back I took out my sword and impaled her head.

"Just in case," Ida studied me.

"She's dead I assure you. So can you-," another explosion broke out.

"What the hell was that," Ciáran was the first by my side and was staring at the direction the blast came from.

"They're still attacking, us finding and killing one just made them say they'll do it on their own," Ida looked pissed off.

"What do you mean Ida? Are you saying that the demons are going to attack instead of waiting on us to kill each other in a civil war," he nodded at me.

"I really hope that for the time being. Everyone can get along so we can survive," Nell, Iris, and Kion ran up to me.

"Me, Nell, and Kion got that explosion. We'll back up whoever is there," before I could say anything to stop her she gave me a quick kiss and left.

"Well I guess that leaves me, Ciáran, and Rem," Olivia walked up with Rem who squeezed my leg.

"No! I wanna go with Marcel," Olivia pulled her off me.

"Marcel has a lot of things he needs to do. You're going to get tired trying to keep up with him," Olivia picked up a pouting Rem and they took off. Ciáran sighed then followed.

"Found them all just to have them run away from me," Ida tapped my shoulder and walked towards the Duke's mansion.

"You can think about that later. For now, we need to go to the Duke's place," as we were about to leave I could've sworn I heard the demon girl say more words. Throwing the thought away I followed Ida. The wind blew making me shiver which was odd. My sword slowly took its jacket-shirt form. We jumped onto of a building and started to head towards the Duke when we noticed how many explosions really happened. The city of Vilua was set ablaze. Many buildings were on fire. Most of them were around the common district close to the area where the more poor people lived.

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