First Quest

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"So where did you find this guy Kion," Nell had been staring at me for about ten minutes while we sat in the kitchen and ate. The types of food, spices, and kitchen equipment were pretty similar to Earth. Thank God for that I guess I can still have steak sometime.

"The Rueben Forest. He was standing under the tree staring off into the distance like a maniac," his sister laughed. After I healed her she got up pretty quickly but insisted that she be "taken care of" this morning just in case she didn't feel better again. Which was hell for me because she wouldn't let go of me at all. That wasn't even the bad part. She introduced herself as my future wife, Iris.

"I was just admiring the scenery what's so wrong with that," I rolled my eyes at him.

"He didn't mean anything like that darling. Kion is just very honest isn't that right," Kion nodded but look frightened as he did. I looked down at Iris who had her head on my shoulder and was holding onto me tight. 

"Well, he is a good healer and I can tell he is strong. You in a party already," Nell didn't sit down with us instead she stood up by the doorway across from us while she ate. I tried to get her to sit down not noticing that she was uncomfortable with how close me and Iris where. (Yea I'm uncomfortable to Nell).

"No he doesn't, I was thinking about going to get him registered into our party at the guild in a few days after sis healed but she was fine after 5 minutes," Iris tightened her grip around my arm and fake coughed.

"I am not fine I must go to bed and my husband will accompany me," she stood up and started to pull me by my arm out of the room thankfully Nell stopped her.

"If you weren't feeling well you wouldn't have that much energy right now and we can see fine you are perfectly okay."

"But Nelllllll," Iris let go of me and put her hands together like she was praying.

"No buts. We need to go back to work to buy food. Our supply is low and we have one more to feed besides. I don't think he wants to be held onto so much," Iris looked at me with sad eyes that kinda got to me. Listen by no means was what Nell said was wrong but and hear me out. Like I said earlier Iris was probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen even by model standards back on Earth.

"Go get dressed Iris. We will wait down here," Kion finally came and decided to help again.

"Well, surely my husband can help me get dressed," Got damn she is almost as tenacious as a certain someone. Not that I don't like it. She is beautiful and I can feel positivity radiating off of her. I walked back to the table and sat down.

"I'll be right here waiting," she held her head down in defeat and walked through the door or so I thought until she peeked her head back through the door way.

"Well can you at least pick out what you want me to wear," I almost said sure untillll, "It can be anything you wish~," Why is it that I always attract a crazy girl.

"Iris go get changed," Kion was beside me blushing which confused me. I turned to Iris who was grinning now and walked out the room. What the hell did I just miss?

* * *

We were now walking back through the noble district me and Kion ran through earlier. Since we were walking slower I actually got to look at the buildings and truly appreciate the craftsmanship done to them. All the buildings here were done in cobblestone and had many floors with a guard or two standing outside or somewhere on the property. A few times I got to see some granite statues in front of a house or even a fountain. Man would I love to be rich. Wouldn't you? Who the hell am I even talking to. I push the thoughts of being rich and me talking to myself behind me as we exit out of the noble district and make our way into the common district I found it was split into three parts; housing, social, and business. A place to stay, a place to congregate while you eat, and a place to work not bad. The gate we came through from the noble district was connected to the end of the social section of the common district. I was broke so walking past all the food stalls that smelled so good killed me. My stomach practically screamed at me but buddy I can't do anything about it now ya know. After making it to the main square, which also included the road out, we went on our way to the business district. I really can't wait to see the adventurers guild. Yes I know I have magical powers, yes I know I have a sexy ass elf holding onto me, yes there is a sexy ass cat girl on my other side and yes, yes my mind is still focused on the guild. From a distance I saw a huge brick building down the road. At the top was a sign that looked like an electric eel was etched into it.

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