This is Just Troublesome

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"There's no point in rushing," Seventeen walked in front of the group,"I'm guessing you won't start the timer until we attack."

"That's correct," with a slight smile he turned to the group.

"Then it's simple, let me, Luris, and Yui be the ones upfront taking the agro. Eighteen and Origa can be in the mid letting off distance spells. Valentina can go exactly where she belongs."

"Who put you in charge," Luris turned to Seventeen.

"It's not about whose in charge I'm utilizing strengths."

"I don't see a problem with it," Yui Stared at me. Her eyes looked like an empty abyss with no ending.

"Well if you're ready, make a move. I've got things to do," Yui and Luris exchanged a look then darted at me. Luris aimed at my torso with a horizontal swing so I jumped over it. Following his attack Yui was flipping over him swinging her sword down at me. Flicking my tail it collided with her sword and knocked her back. Before Luris could react I grabbed his shoulders while in midair and flung him back at the group. Seventeen slid under the knight then flew full speed at me. Using his momentum he kicked at me. Catching his foot he let off a blast which caused me to let go just to dodge giving him space to retreat. Tracing his movements I was in front of him in a flash about to deliver a heavy haymaker. Pulling my body back a sharp round object went past.

"Holy shit his speed and power is off the charts. Your power wasn't anything like this a moment ago," Seventeen rubbed his chin,"If that would've hit me."

"I amped it up for you. It's only twenty percent though."

"That makes no sense, your stats rose."

"They were never the real thing anyway," after hearing my words Origa looked a little worried,"Since you've seen it first hand I'll give you a chance to back away and try again in the future. Oh and don't worry about the time right now I stopped the internal clock, four minutes forty five point seven seconds."

"Like hell will I give up," glaring at me Yui took stance again,"You're going to lose."

"Highly doubt it," tilting my head a bullet whizzed past slamming into a tree behind me blowing it apart,"I almost forgot about you."

"She's probably really far away right now so give up on locating her," Eighteen wiped some of the hair out of her face.

"If I can teleport why the fuck would I do that."

"We're giving him to much time to prepare," Yui ran at me alone.

"Of course the yandere goes ahead without thinking," Seventeen sped in after her. 

"Attacking me together from opposite sides consistently? Not bad," ducking under Seventeens kick Yui unleashed a sword that was in a portal under me. Flipping back wards the sword flew straight up to where Yui jumped. 

"Eyes down here," Seventeen was in front of me again coated in a barrier. Swiping my hand down a gust of wind forced him to the ground. Sliding to the left Eighteen came flying by with blue energy coating her legs. Teleporting to the side Yui rammed her sword into the ground where I was once standing.

"Get off your ass Seventeen."

"What the hell are you doing in the front."

"Me and Luris switched. You know we only fight good when the two of us fight together."

"Fine," both androids charged me. Eighteen gave a right straight jab, parrying it I went to counter until Seventeen appeared behind me about to fire off a blast. Tossing Eighteen into him they both rolled then flipped off of each other.

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