Aussie Adventures

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March 8, 1977
Adelaide, Australia

After their three live performances in Melbourne, including two in one day, the group were rewarded with a day off. And it's safe to say that it worked with a benefit. It was a much needed day off after all. During their day off, Benny, Frida, and Agnetha went sailing around the bay while Björn stayed behind at their hotel getting a much needed rest as a result of the stress of the tour along with the fact that he had still been battling severe food poisoning. At this point, he had made a full recovery as a result of the group's much needed break.

This morning, the group arrived in Adelaide for the next stop on their tour. Luckily for them, they would only be performing in one concert tonight at the Football Park in front of at least 21,000 fans. The following day, they were to have another break before flying onto Perth, their last stop on their Australian tour, where they would perform five concerts in just two days. What was ironic was that while they were going to be performing at the Football Park, which was home to Adelaide's Australian football team, the Crows, but Frida was wearing a jersey from Carlton, which was a Melbourne team as they landed in Adelaide. Agnetha had also been wearing a Carlton jersey as they left Melbourne for Adelaide but had changed into a white jumpsuit mid-flight.

Since the group were only going to be in Adelaide for one day, not to mention that they had a concert that night, much of the day was spent rehearsing at the football stadium. From there, the group changed into their stage costumes and got ready for the concerts as the flood of 21,000 fans along with an additional 10,000 fans attending the concert from outside the stadium. It was the same routine as usual while backstage. And then Stig had one of his usual backstage pep talks before it was time to head onstage and perform.

The setlist was the same as usual Tiger, That's Me, Waterloo, so on and so forth. At first, the group seemed cold and wooden as they performed but as the concert progressed, the more happy and energetic they became. The concert ended after about two hours and with that being said, the group had yet another much needed day off after yet another successful concert.

The group were driven back to their hotel following the success of their only Adelaide concert. Tomorrow was going to be a day off before performing at five jam packed concerts in the span of 2-3 days once they arrived in Perth. Once they got back to their hotel, the group ate dinner and hung around for a bit before it was time for them to go to bed. During that time, the group decided to head back to their hotel rooms to have some alone time and get ready for bed. So with that being said, Agnetha took a shower first followed by Björn. So while Björn was showering, Agnetha decided to use this opportunity to call home and speak to Linda. She had been missing her four year old daughter very much and was absolutely sure that her daughter's little heart couldn't take it anymore. It was only around 1 pm in Stockholm after all.

Agnetha sighed as she dialed the number to her and Björn's home in Lidingö, where Linda was staying with Marie-Louise, her nanny as well as both sets of parents and Eva and Mona, along with their current partners. She was missing her little girl so much and there was no doubt Björn was missing her too and was starting to become a bit emotional as the phone kept ringing and ringing. It was a result of the pregnancy hormones that were already ravaging her and she still didn't know it yet. But she was suspecting.


Finally, after what felt like forever, someone had finally answered the phone. It was Birgit who had answered the phone and was excited to see that it was her eldest daughter who was calling and wanted to know how everything was going in Australia.

"Agnetha!" Birgit exclaimed. "Hello sweetheart! How's Australia going?! How's Björn?! And Benny and Frida?!"

"Everything is going good, Mama," Agnetha replied, sounding a bit choked up due to both her hormones and because she had genuinely missed her family back home in Sweden. "It's just a bit stressful and a bit jam packed but everything is going good. Björn, Benny, and Frida say hello. In fact, Björn is in the shower right now while Benny and Frida are doing their own things now that our concert is over and we have a day off all day tomorrow."

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