Family Troubles

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August 1974

Five months had passed since the group won Eurovision and since then, the group were back home in Stockholm relaxing and enjoying their summer before continuing on with promotion and working on their new album that they were hoping to release next spring. And this time, the group were going to continue their promotion by crossing the Atlantic and heading to America and the four friends were looking forward to their trip to New York as a part of their promotional visit. Agnetha, Björn, and Linda were at home in Vallentuna as usual but there was something that was unusually off tonight and Agnetha sensed it. Her intuition and her gut instincts just told her that something was happening and it wasn't good.

As Björn and Agnetha continued laying in bed at around 3:30 in the morning, they were suddenly awakened by loud crying coming from another room in their large house. The cries were coming from Linda's nursery to be exact. Agnetha, knowing that something was going on based on what her intuition and gut instincts had told her, immediately bolted out of bed. It was like an adrenaline rush coming through her body. Björn groaned and rubbed his eyes open before joining his wife to find out what was happening with their 18 month old daughter.

Linda was standing on her crib crying her little eyes out. She wasn't feeling well and had a bad fever. Agnetha and Björn immediately rushed over to their daughter and picked her up.

"MAMA!" Linda exclaimed as she reached her little arms over to Agnetha.

"'s ok Linda. Daddy and I are here," Agnetha exclaimed as she and Björn rushed over to Linda's crib and picked her up. Agnetha felt Linda's forehead and it was hot. "Linda baby, you're burning up!"

"Let me feel her," Björn replied as he felt Linda's forehead for himself. "Yeah you're right, she's burning up!"

"Björn can you go get me the thermometer please?!"

"Ok Anna!"

Linda continued to cry and wail in Agnetha's arms as Agnetha sat with Linda in her rocking chair. Agnetha gently rocked Linda forwards and backwards on the rocking chair in an effort to comfort her daughter but to no avail. Linda wanted more. She wanted something that Agnetha could no longer give her because it simply wasn't there anymore. Linda began grabbing Agnetha's breasts thinking that there was still milk in there, but sadly there wasn't. Agnetha was no longer breastfeeding Linda and to Agnetha, it was really hard to see Linda crying and grabbing her breasts and she couldn't give Linda any milk since she had successfully leaned Linda off her breast earlier in the year.

"Linda, I don't have anymore milk," Agnetha sighed sadly as she looked at her daughter. "I'm sorry sweetheart."

Linda simply looked at Agnetha with a sad face, complete with puppy eyes and everything, which made Agnetha cry too. Just then, Björn came back with both a baby thermometer and some Tylenol. Björn leaned down and gently put the baby thermometer on Linda's forehead as Linda laid on Agnetha's lap as the two of them continued sitting in the rocking chair. Björn looked at the thermometer shortly afterwards and Linda was indeed burning up.

"What does it say?" Agnetha asked.

"She's definitely burning up. 102 degree fever," Björn replied.

"Our poor baby," Agnetha replied, sounding emotional.

"Anna, she'll be alright," Björn said reassuringly as he put his hand on Agnetha's arm. "We are doing everything that we can. And if worse comes to worse, then we'll just have to take her to the doctor."

"Yeah," Agnetha sighed.

Björn then gave Linda her Tylenol with the help of Agnetha. However, Linda wasn't 100% feeling better just yet. She wanted one more thing before it was time to go back to bed. Linda grabbed at Agnetha's robe knowing exactly what she wanted. But Agnetha didn't understand what exactly just yet.

Agnetha and Bjorn: The Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now