Perfect Harmonies

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June 1969

The following Tuesday has arrived at last and Benny and Björn were anxiously waiting for their girls to get here. That wasn't the only thing they were anxious about though. They were anxious to know how the girls sounded while singing together. Would they sound good together? Would Frida sound better than Agnetha? Or will Agnetha sound better than Frida? Or would they both sound terrible?, both guys thought.  Just then, Frida arrived at the studio.

"Hey babe!" Frida exclaimed as she walked over to Benny and kissed him on the cheek. Benny returned his kiss and next thing you know, Benny and Frida stayed to make out. Björn couldn't help but make a face, which Benny noticed.

"Aww come on, man! Your girl will be here soon before you know it!" Benny replied.

And Benny was right. Agnetha showed up in no time. She was excited to see Benny and Frida already there and making out. So Agnetha decided to do the exact same thing that Benny and Frida were just doing.

"Ok so are you guys actually going to create some harmonies or is it just one big make out session?!" Stig asked half jokingly half serious as he walked in.

"I promise you we will be creating harmonies together! That's for sure," Björn replied.

"Well let's get to it man!"

"Oh and hello Frida," Björn said shaking hands with Frida and kissing her in the cheeks in the traditional European way of greeting one another.

Benny then greeted Agnetha and then Agnetha greeted Frida. And now it was time for business. Benny started to sit by his beloved piano while Björn grabbed his guitar and sat on a stool as the girls headed into the little recording booth and put on their headphones. Frida couldn't help but laugh a bit as she noticed the way Agnetha put her headphones on. Agnetha typically wears her headphones in an unusual way when recording music. She usually wears the headphones on her forehead instead of on her head.

"Why are you wearing your headphones like that?!" Frida asked Agnetha chuckling.

"I feel more comfortable having my headphones on my forehead!"

"Ok whatever!"

From there, Benny and Björn decided to strike their melodies. They asked the girls to sing a new song they've been writing called Lycka or Happiness. The two guys were to record and release the song themselves but they wanted to make a demo version with the girls and see how their voices sounded together, hence this recording session. It's kind of like two actresses taking a screen test together but these were two female recording artists.

The girls began to sing and for Benny, Björn, and Stig, it was a match made in heaven. The girls voices worked so well together that the three men outside of the booth were at a loss for words. Frida's velvety singing voice worked really well with Agnetha's angelic singing voice and that's all that matters. The girls were done singing soon afterwards but Benny, Björn, and Stig were so impressed with the girls that they wanted to hear more.

"BRAVO! BRAVO!" Benny and Björn shouted in unison while clapping their hands at the same time. Stig was also clapping his hands.

"How did we do?" Agnetha asked as she and Frida took off their headphones and went over to where the guys were sitting.

"Well we are not necessarily going to be biased but to be honest with you, you two are perfect singing together. And if you want a non biased opinion, then just ask Stig," Björn said.

"Totally agree. Your voices are like a match made in heaven. I mean I already knew that from the start but together, your voices fit together like one big puzzle piece. I'm looking forward to working with you girls one day," Stig replied.

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