She Doesn't Remember Us

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Late Spring 1974

Shortly after winning Eurovision, the group had embarked on a victory tour throughout the continent. This included appearances on Top of the Pops in London and Señoras y Señores in Madrid, among other appearances. There were more visits that had been planned for the group, including a trip to New York City in September. But for now, the group were finally back in Stockholm, having just landed at Arlanda Airport. Björn and Agnetha were both very excited to see Linda again after several weeks, but little did they know, they were in for a total shock.

Björn and Agnetha arrived at their large house in Vallentuna where Aina and Gunnar were outside waiting for them. They couldn't be any happier to see their son and daughter in law after their victory.

"Mama! Papa!" Björn greeted.

"Björn! Agnetha! So glad to see you both again!" Aina exclaimed as she greeted her son and daughter in law.

"Same here Aina!" Agnetha replied.

Aina and Gunnar hugged the couple before taking their bags and heading inside. Eva was also there along with Birgit, Ingvar, Mona, Marie-Louise, and of course, little Linda who was in Marie-Louise's arms. After greeting the others, Björn and Agnetha finally reached the one person that they really wanted to greet: Linda. However, Linda wasn't so enthusiastic about reuniting with her parents as much as Agnetha and Björn themselves were. In fact, she hardly recognized them. Linda had grown attached to Marie-Louise and to her aunts and grandparents while Björn, Benny, Frida, and Agnetha were touring.

Linda had missed her mommy and daddy very much and because she was a one year old baby, it was very easy for her to forget who exactly her parents were and it was very sad. Marie-Louise handed Linda over to Agnetha and immediately Linda began crying and kicking her legs as she reached for Marie-Louise. Agnetha immediately felt bad as Linda began screaming and crying for her nanny and for her grandparents. Björn also felt bad that his own daughter wasn't recognizing him and he and Agnetha tried to calm Linda down to the best of their ability, but to no avail.

"Linda baby, it's me. I'm Agnetha, your mommy," Agnetha said tearfully as Linda continued screaming for her nanny and grandparents.

"I don't think she recognizes us," Björn said sadly before turning over to Linda. "Linda, it's ok sweetheart. It's me, Björn. I'm your daddy Linda."

"Yeah she doesn't," Agnetha replied back as more tears continued flowing.

"MAMA!" Linda exclaimed as Aina took Linda out of Agnetha's arms.

"Sweetie, I'm not Mama. I'm Farmor," Aina replied before pointing her finger in Agnetha's direction with a smile on her face. "Mama is right there."

Linda immediately calmed down once Aina held her but the fact that Linda had called Aina "mama" instead of Agnetha made Agnetha even more upset. She and Björn hadn't expected to come home to this. They genuinely thought that Linda would miss them and recognize them. And while Linda did miss her parents, she had grown attached to her grandparents, her two aunts, and her nanny since Björn and Agnetha had been away for a while. Agnetha quietly wandered off into her bedroom in tears with Björn following close behind her. Birgit also took notice as well and didn't hesitate to follow along.

"Björn, I can't take it anymore! I just can't!" Agnetha exclaimed as she cried even harder.

"I know sweetheart. It hurts me too," Björn replied as he held his wife.

"See this was exactly why I'm so afraid of touring around with ABBA! I mean yes it's very important and I enjoy doing it but now we've screwed up our one year old daughter in the process!"

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