Getting Serious

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August 1969

Two months have passed since Agnetha and Frida sang together for the very first time and things were going great for both couples. Agnetha and Björn's relationship was improving, especially after Björn met Agnetha's parents and younger sister in Jönköping. The Fältskog family immediately took a liking to Björn with both Ingvar and Birgit thinking of him as the son they never had and even Mona got over her jealousy over the fact that her older sister was dating her celebrity crush and started to consider Björn to be the brother she never had.

However, Agnetha and Björn's relationship wasn't the only relationship that was getting serious. Benny and Frida had been dating for nearly nine months at this point and had moved in together about four months before. Not only that, but Benny's two children, Peter and Helene, and Frida's two children, Hans and Lise-Lotte or Lotta for short, got along really well and were excited to be step siblings because Benny had proposed to Frida the night before.

Benny and Frida decided to meet up with Björn and Agnetha at the park to tell them the exciting news. So while Björn and Agnetha were waiting for Benny and Frida to arrive, they decided to take a stroll down the park itself. Both of them were looking incredibly stylish today, with Björn wearing a white shirt with a black collar and Agnetha wearing a very pretty red dress.

"You look so beautiful as usual," Björn said as he held Agnetha's hand and the two lovebirds strolled through the park.

"Thank you handsome!" Agnetha exclaimed as they continued taking their stroll. Just then, Agnetha lost her footing and tripped on a crack in the middle of the pavement.


"Are you ok sweetheart?!"

"No!" Agnetha winced as tears started coming out of her eyes.

"You're bleeding! Here let me carry over you to that bench over there and let me check it out!" Björn exclaimed.

With that being said, Björn wrapped his arms around Agnetha and he lifted her gently over to the nearby bench. He didn't have a first aid kit on him but he did have a band aid with him so he rinsed off the blood from the wound on Agnetha's knee before placing the band aid over it.

"There you go, angel. All better," Björn said lovingly as Agnetha sat on his lap.

"Thank you handsome. I love you," Agnetha replied.

"Love you too sweetheart"

"I'm going to write you a love song," Agnetha said tapping Björn's nose.

"That's sweet darling, but I'll do it"

"Than we can duet"

Björn and Agnetha then shared a kiss and as they were kissing, Benny and Frida showed up. And of course, they interrupted Björn and Agnetha's moment.

"AHEM!" Benny exclaimed as Frida stood next to him wearing her new gold, diamond encrusted engagement ring.

"Oh hey guys!" Björn exclaimed as he and Agnetha broke off from their kiss.

"Hello lovebirds!" Frida exclaimed chuckling.

"Hello fellow lovebirds!" Björn replied as Agnetha giggled.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment but we have some exciting news!" Benny exclaimed.

"Well what is it?" Björn asked.

"Should I tell them or should you, darling?" Benny asked, turning to Frida.

"I'll do it," Frida told Benny before turning back to Agnetha and Björn. "Benny and I are getting married! He proposed last night and it was the most beautiful evening I've had in a long time!"

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!" Agnetha exclaimed as he hopped off of Björn's lap and gave Frida and then Benny a big hug.

"Congratulations guys! You both deserve all the happiness in the world!" Björn said as he shook Benny and Frida's hands and gave them each a hug.

The four friends decided to take a stroll together before eating at a Chinese restaurant. They all settled down at a table and as they looked at the menu and received some water from the waiter, they all had a nice, long conversation like friends do.

"So how do the kids feel about you two getting married?" Björn asked Benny and Frida.

"They are happy. Actually I wouldn't say happy. In fact, they are over the moon that Frida and I are getting married. I don't think either of us can tell you how excited they are to be step siblings," Benny said.

"To be honest, I thought Hans and Lotta weren't going to react so well to Benny and I getting married, especially since my divorce from Ragnar isn't final yet. But they both love Benny just as much as I do and they adore Peter and Helene, so they are ecstatic," Frida replied.

"Well the most important part is that they are happy. If you both are happy and your kids are happy, then we are happy," Agnetha said.

"Aww thank you, Aggie! You're too sweet!" Frida replied rubbing Agnetha's hand across the table.

Just then, the waiter came and took their orders. Benny ordered an Egg Foo Young with chicken; Björn ordered the Scallion Pancakes; Frida ordered some Pan Fried Dumplings along with some Shrimp Lo Mein; and Agnetha ordered some Vegetable Fried Rice. After the waiter left after taking their orders, Agnetha, Björn, Benny, and Frida continued their conversation.

"Oh my gosh! Agnetha, what happened to your knee?!" Frida exclaimed, noticing the band aid on Agnetha's knee.

"Oh it's nothing," Agnetha blushed.

"Are you sure?" Frida replied.

"Yes Frida, I'm fine," Agnetha said reassuring Frida.

"She tripped while we were taking a stroll in the park and waiting for you guys to show up," Björn replied.

"Oh ok then," Frida sighed. "At least you are feeling better now."

"Thank you Frida," Agnetha replied.

After their dinner, the two couples went their own separate ways. Björn and Agnetha went back into Björn's apartment and sat on the couch together. They just cuddled together until Björn spoke up.

"So Agnetha, I want to ask you something," Björn said.

"What?" Agnetha asked turning to her boyfriend.

"Well I was thinking, since Benny and Frida are now engaged, I was thinking that maybe we should take our relationship to the next level."

"How so?"

"I was thinking we can save up some money and get an apartment. We can start living together."

"Oh, I love that idea! Me and you together for sure!"

"I'm glad you like it angel. I already have 2000 krona saved up, but I'll save up some more."

"I can pitch in as well. I have 3500 krona for us to live together. That would be enough."

"Well if that's the case, then ok," Björn replied as Agnetha cuddled into him.

The two lovers cuddled into each other as they watched some TV together before going to bed and awaiting their future together. That night, the two of them had the same dream about them getting married and having many children together, along with grandchildren.

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