Kisses of Fire

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February 12, 1977
Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Four days after their performance in Hamburg, ABBA were in the UK. They had already performed in Birmingham the night before and were in Glasgow getting ready for their next performance at the Apollo which was scheduled to be tonight. From there, it was two more performances in London's Royal Albert Hall and then the European leg of the tour would be over. Then they would be home for two weeks and time would be spent with their families, especially since Linda's fourth birthday and Lotta's tenth birthday were coming up and since their birthdays are only two days apart, along with the fact that the group would be leaving for Australia on Lotta's birthday, they would be celebrating their birthdays together.

Also during their two week break, the group would be interviewed by Sveriges Magasin which would air the day before they fly to Sydney. Agnetha and Björn were in their hotel room as usual and Agnetha was feeling exhausted. She was exhausted from the stress of the tour and it was starting to take a toll on her. Björn couldn't help but feel sorry for her as she laid in bed with her arm over her forehead and eyes.

"Anna!" Björn said as he went over to his wife and gently shook her arm. "Anna, baby I know you aren't feeling well but we need to head over to the concert hall for our dress rehearsal. The concert is tonight."

"I don't want to go, Björn!" Agnetha moaned. "I'm so exhausted!"

"I'm exhausted too, Anna," Björn replied. "But this is our job and we have to do what we have to do."

"Alright," Agnetha sighed as she got up from the bed.

After a few minutes, Agnetha and Björn headed down to the lobby of the hotel and luckily for them, they were the first ones there. Benny and Frida showed up not too long afterwards and when they saw their two friends waiting for them in the hotel lobby, they burst out laughing.

"Looks like we didn't have to remind you guys to be down at the lobby so we can head over to our dress rehearsal anymore!" Benny exclaimed while laughing.

"Well we remembered this time!" Björn replied, also laughing.

The coach bus that would take the group and their entourage over from their hotel to the Apollo, where they were due to perform tonight, arrived shortly afterwards and soon enough, they were at their dress rehearsal. After a long and exhausting dress rehearsal, the group headed backstage to change into their white and gold stage costumes. The girls also had to do their hair and makeup along with their vocal warmups.

"MA! MA! MA! MA! MA! MA!" Agnetha exclaimed as she completed her vocal warmups while also fixing her hair along with Frida, who was singing the exact same words as Agnetha as they were completing the exact same vocal warmup, but Frida's voice sounded a bit deeper than Agnetha's. This made perfect sense as while Agnetha's singing voice was high and powerful, Frida's singing voice was low and velvety. Therefore, Benny and Björn often pushed Agnetha to sing higher and Frida to sing deeper whenever they were in the studio recording.

Soon enough, it was showtime. Stig once again gave the group one of his pep talks and soon enough, they were dominating the stage. And Agnetha and Björn were both very intimate with one another and it clearly showed as they performed. Those two simply couldn't keep their hands off one another and it was cute to see and of course, the audience let out their "oohs" and "awws" each time the two couples were intimate. Sure, Benny and Frida had their intimate moments on stage as well, but Agnetha and Björn couldn't keep their hands off each other.

The setlist in Glasgow had been the same as always during the European leg of the tour. The setlist would change during the Australian leg of the tour with some new songs being added onto their setlist but for now, it was still the same. The only exception was that tonight, they would be adding Dancing Queen to their setlist at the very end of their concert and Agnetha would be singing a reprise of Thank You for the Music. At this point, they were up to singing I am an A, which was one of their favorites.

Agnetha and Bjorn: The Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें