We're Adopting

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November 1971

Björn and Agnetha had been married for four months now and it was pure bliss. However, right from the start, both of them felt that there needed to be one more thing to make their lives complete: having a baby.

They have talked about the possibility of having a baby together from the moment their relationship first started getting serious and even more so after they got engaged. Both of them were keen and desperate to have a baby. But there was a problem: they are struggling to get pregnant.

Björn and Agnetha have officially been trying for a baby since the moment they got back from their honeymoon but it was no use. Agnetha couldn't get pregnant and she and Björn couldn't figure out why. She started to think that it could be something hereditary as Birgit and Ingvar had struggled to get pregnant with both Agnetha and Mona.

Soon afterwards, they decided to turn to other options. They were that desperate to have a child of their own. Björn and Agnetha went on a lunch date together at a burger restaurant and while eating, Agnetha could help but stare at the baby sitting in the table next to them. She looked sad.

"Anna, what's wrong sweetheart?" Björn asked sounding concerned.

"I-I just. It's nothing Björn!" Agnetha sighed.

"Tell me. You know you can tell me anything min kärlek," Björn said as he put his hands on top of Agnetha's.

"I wish we can have a baby of our own. I really do Björn. You know how much I love kids," she sighed.

"I know darling. I feel the same. I know you would be an amazing mama."

"And you would be an amazing papa."

A little while after their lunch date, Björn and Agnetha were eating dinner together. They were still thinking about the possibility of having a baby but this time they started to think of other possible ways for them to have a child.

"Björn be honest with me," Agnetha sighed as she put her fork down.

"What is it sweetheart?" Björn responded as he gave her his full attention.

"What if we can't have a child?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if I can't physically carry a child?"

"Anna, sweetheart. We shouldn't jump into conclusions."

"But if I can't physically carry a child we should always look into other possibilities."

"Yeah true. But I think you could physically carry a child. We just have to keep trying and not give up hope."

"I know, I know. But I want to look into some opportunities either way. Just to be safe," Agnetha sighed.

"Well we could always find a surrogate."

"Yeah I don't think so, Björn."

"Why not?"

"Because that means another woman will be pregnant with our child. And I hate having to jump to conclusions again, but what if the lady who carries our child ends up thinking of our child as her own? Plus, what if our baby ends up being attached to our surrogate rather than us? I mean I want to be able to breastfeed and have a bond with our child and I can't do that if the baby is born to a surrogate."

"Yeah, you're right," Björn sighed.

"Exactly. I mean that woman could be willing to carry our child but she could change her mind so we never know," Agnetha said sadly.

"Well we can always adopt. There's a lot of children out there that sadly don't have a family and just seeing the pictures of them on TV and everywhere breaks my heart."

Agnetha and Bjorn: The Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now