Family Visit

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A few days passed, and Agnetha's parents and younger sister have arrived to Stockholm from Jönköping. Agnetha picked up her family from the train station and she was very happy to see her parents and baby sister again after so long. The Fältskog family gave each other one big group hug.

"I've missed you guys so much! I can't even explain!" Agnetha exclaimed, through her tears.

"We've missed you too sweetheart!" Ingvar said.

The family continued their group hug before hopping into Agnetha's car and driving to her apartment. The family of four got out of the car and climbed up three flights of stairs before entering the apartment at last. Ingvar, Birgit and Mona immediately put their things down before they joined Agnetha in the living room.

"You've been keeping this place tidy, Agnetha. I'm impressed!" Birgit exclaimed.

"Thanks mama!" Agnetha replied.

"Anything new?" Birgit asked.

"No, not really. I think I'm gonna get the mail. I'll be back in a minute!"

"Ok sweetheart!"

Agnetha grabbed her apartment keys and went to get the mail, while her parents and Mona kept looking around the apartment. While doing so, Mona decided to sneak into her sister's bedroom and look around a bit. She immediately took notice of Agnetha's diary in the small table next to her bed in front of the lamp and began reading it. Just then, Agnetha came back from the mailroom holding an envelope. There was a huge grin on her face.

"Someone's happy," Ingvar said, chuckling a bit.

"I know! Words can't even explain how happy I am right now!"

"Well, what is it? Other than us being here of course?" Birgit asked.

"I just got a letter from Cupol and they want me to appear on a TV special for Jules Sylvain. You know, the very famous music composer who died late last year?"

"Yeah of course," Ingvar said.

"Well I get to be one of the artists that are performing in that special and to top it off, Björn Ulvaeus is going to be there!"

"That's amazing sweetheart! Congratulations!" Birgit said, hugging her daughter. Ingvar also congratulated Agnetha with a hug.

"Wait, where's Mona?" Agnetha asked, breaking off the hug.

"I don't know, she must be in one of the guest rooms," Birgit said.

"Or maybe your bedroom," Ingvar said.

Agnetha first went to the first guest room directly across from the bathroom where her two parents will be sleeping. No sign of Mona. So, she checked the other guest room right next to the first one where Mona would be sleeping. No sign of her either. And with that, Agnetha checked her bedroom. Mona was there laying on her stomach on Agnetha's bed and chuckling to herself as she read Agnetha's diary.

"MONA! YOU'VE BARELY BEEN HERE FOR AN HOUR AND YOU'VE ALREADY PULLED OUT MY DIARY?!" Agnetha shouted, snatching her diary away from her sister.

"Hey! I was reading that! And to answer your question, yes! I was bored!" Mona exclaimed.

"You know very damn well you shouldn't be reading my diary!"

"Well maybe you should've put your diary in a better hiding spot!"

"That's not an excuse!"

"Anyways, I see that you still love Björn!" Mona exclaimed, changing the subject and smirking.

"Shut up!"


"I SAID SHUT UP!" Agnetha exclaimed, covering her sister's mouth. Ingvar and Birgit immediately ran into the bedroom upon hearing the commotion.

"GIRLS, WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?!" Birgit shouted at her two daughters.

"I came into my room and she was reading my diary!" Agnetha exclaimed.

"Mona, why were you reading your sister's diary?" Ingvar asked, turning to Mona.

"Because I was bored! There's nothing to do here!" Mona exclaimed.

"Well that doesn't give you the right to look at your sister's diary! It's her personal things! Would you feel the same way if Agnetha looked at your diary?" Birgit said.

"I would be really angry if she did that," Mona sighed.

"If that's the case, don't you think you owe your sister an apology?" Ingvar said firmly.

"I'm sorry, Agnetha!" Mona exclaimed.

"I forgive you!" Agnetha said, giving her sister a hug.

"So do you guys want to get something to eat?" Birgit asked.

"Yeah!" Agnetha and Mona responded.

"Well I did see a nice, little Italian place around the corner. Let's eat there," Ingvar said and Birgit and the girls agreed.

After a lovely dinner together as a family, the Fältskogs returned to Agnetha's small apartment and watched some TV before heading off to bed.


Björn was back at the studio with Benny for yet another long day at work. After doing some recording, he and Benny stepped out into the break room and Stig was already there. The three men clearly had a lot to talk about.

"Oh Björn! There you are! Just the man I'm looking for!" Stig exclaimed.

"What's going on, Stig?"

"I have some amazing news for you!"

"Well what is it?"

"I've booked a spot for you on the Jules Sylvain special for next week. You'll be one of the main performers!"

"That's awesome! I can't wait!"

"Oh that's not all!" Stig exclaimed with a smirk on his face.


"Agnetha Fältskog will be performing too! You'll be performing a duet with her!"

"Are you serious?! Like for real?!"

"Uh huh!" Stig said grinning.

"But isn't she engaged though?" Benny asked.

"The engagement is over. It's all over this morning's papers," Stig said.

"Well good for her then. We all know that her relationship with that Dieter dude wasn't gonna last for that much longer!" Benny exclaimed.

"I really hope it's true! If it is, then I hope I'll make her mine during the TV special next week! If she accepts it, of course," Björn sighed.

"Don't worry brother! We're all pulling for you! Just take it easy with her since she just ended a relationship with a man that was much older than her," Benny replied reassuringly as he gently pat Björn on the back.

"Thanks guys!"

"No problem! Anyways, I hate to cut the conversation short, but I have to get going," Benny announced.

"How come?" Stig asked.

"I promised Christina that I'd take care of Peter and Helene this week and I have to pick them up from school. Anyways, see you guys later!" Benny replied as he got up and shook Björn's and Stig's hands, saying goodbye.

"Bye!" Björn and Stig exclaimed in unison.

After Benny left, Björn headed back to the recording area. He was excited to be performing with Agnetha in the Jules Sylvain TV special but he was also worried that she may reject him since she had just ended her engagement with Dieter not too long ago. Björn sighed and grabbed his guitar and started writing a new song as he impatiently waited for it to be next week already.

Agnetha and Bjorn: The Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now