A Family Affair

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January 1978

A week or so has passed since The Movie premiered and now the Ulvaeus family were relaxing at home. The Movie and The Album were both proving to be hits and Björn, Benny, and Frida were due to be in Paris at the end of the month to do some promotion while Agnetha was to stay home as she was technically still on maternity leave for the time being.

It was nearly 2 am which means that both kids were about to wake both Björn and Agnetha up from their sleep. Linda still had her night terrors while Christian still had his 2 am feeding after having been feed at 11:30 pm right before Agnetha and Björn went to bed and after they had tucked Linda into bed and read Linda her bedtime story. Just then, a high pitched cry can be heard from the bassinet lying beside the king sized bed that Agnetha and Björn shared together.

"Ugh!" Agnetha sighed as she got up and tended to Christian while Björn turned on the lamp.

Agnetha gently took Christian from his bassinet and sat on the nearby rocking chair as she took her breast out and began feeding Christian. He was one hungry little monkey for sure. He had taken to Agnetha's breast better than Linda did after all. Speaking of Linda, as if on cue, Linda came bursting into her parents bedroom crying her eyes out. There was no doubt she had one of her nightmares.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" Linda exclaimed through her tears as she barged into Agnetha and Björn's bedroom while Christian continued feeding. "I'M SCARED!!"

"What's wrong älskling?" Agnetha asked as she gently stroked Linda's light brown hair while Christian continued feeding.

"THERE ARE MONSTERS AND GHOSTS HIDING UNDER MY BED!!" Linda exclaimed as she began hiccuping.

Christian finished feeding at that particular moment and Agnetha didn't hesitate to hand him over to Björn so he could burp him and rock him back to sleep while Agnetha dealt with Linda's night terrors now that Christian was done feeding. Agnetha got up from the rocking chair as Björn began burping their infant son and grabbed Linda's hand as they walked towards Linda's bedroom was right next door.

Agnetha and Linda arrived in Linda's bedroom and Linda immediately sat down in her bed as Agnetha gently bent down to check if there were monsters and ghosts hiding under Linda's bed. Agnetha and Björn both knew that there weren't really any ghosts hiding under Linda's bed along with any monsters but Linda was nearly five years old. It was just a phase that she was going though like most children her age. Agnetha gently got up from under Linda's bed and laid beside her daughter and comforted her.

"Linda, I absolutely promise you there aren't any monsters or ghosts hiding under your bed," Agnetha said reassuringly as she put an arm around her daughter and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Are you sure mommy?" Linda asked.

"Of course not," Agnetha replied as Linda yawned. "Now go back to sleep."

"Ok mommy," Linda replied. "Night night!"

"Goodnight Linda," Agnetha replied as she turned Linda's light off and made sure her nightlight was on and working before heading back to her and Björn's bedroom.

By then, Björn had successfully burped Christian and rocked him back to sleep with Christian sound asleep in his bassinet. Björn couldn't help but give Agnetha the looks of love as she entered the bedroom. He just loved his wife so much even if she hadn't been showing it lately and it seemed like she was pushing him away. This was a result of the personality changes that she had been going through lately. Agnetha hadn't experienced such a thing and she's never heard of anyone else who has felt the exact same way so she felt totally alone as she silently cried herself to sleep.

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