Mommy and Daughter Day

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August 12, 1978

After another few weeks of relaxing, it was time to head back into the studio where the group finished recording Summer Night City at last. Benny and Björn weren't too fond of the song because they felt that they had rushed through the entire song as they were writing it but they were still determined to release it by the end of the summer either way. Speaking of which, they were going to be filming the song's music video within the next 10 days in which they would be up all night showing off all the beautiful sights that Stockholm has to offer while also partying in one of Stockholm's most famous nightclubs with Agnetha and Frida also going on an early morning boat ride at some point in the video.

However, today was a special occasion. It was Fiona's first birthday today and Frida couldn't be anymore prouder. It was crazy for the entire group as it had been exactly a year since both Agnetha and Frida were rushed to the hospital with Agnetha nearly losing Christian and Frida giving birth to Fiona prematurely followed by Christian a few months later. All of this made Frida especially very sentimental and bittersweet as Fiona had made a major transformation this past year alone. She had taken on so many strides and was now at the normal height and weight for a one year old baby and all of her developmental delays were through the roof. She was definitely a normal child at this point and there was a very bright future ahead of her and Benny and Frida couldn't be anymore excited.

They still had to get ready, however, especially when it comes to setting up the decorations and everything and Agnetha decided to use this opportunity to finally have her long awaited mommy and daughter day with Linda. They would be getting their hair and nails done before going clothes shopping and getting something to eat while also getting Fiona a birthday present. Björn, on the other hand, was going to help Benny and Frida prepare for the occasion and was taking baby Christian, who was now eight months old, with him while Agnetha and Linda have their day together and because there was more tension rising between him and Agnetha. Agnetha was still feeling depressed and at this point, Björn was really starting to push himself away from Agnetha and spend more time at the studio as much as they wanted to sit down and work things out. But things weren't going so well.

For now, Agnetha and Björn both decided it was best to just not think about it for right now at least. They were all focused on getting ready for Fiona's birthday today and for Agnetha and Linda to have some much needed mommy and daughter time because it was something that had to be done since Christian was born and while both mother and daughter had some cute moments in between these last 8 months, it still wasn't enough. They truly needed a day just for themselves and now they were finally getting it since Fiona's birthday proved to be the perfect opportunity. At this point, Björn had already left to take his morning jog so this mean that Agnetha was home alone with both kids for the time being and she had to get them ready for the day while Björn will deal with breakfast once he got back from jogging.

Agnetha first entered to Christian's nursery and took a peak inside his crib and luckily for her, the baby was still sound asleep. Christian now slept through the night and Linda's night terrors had gone away so now both Agnetha and Björn had enough sleep at night and they couldn't be anymore grateful for that. With that being said, Agnetha gently leaned into Christian's crib and picked him as he woke up and started fussing and Agnetha carried him over to the nearby rocking chair and took her breast out.

"I'm so sorry for waking you little man," Agnetha replied as she and Christian headed over to the rocking chair inside the nursery and took her breast out and began feeding him. "But it's time to wake up now and have some breakfast. And today is your cousin's first birthday. Can't you believe it?!"

Christian simply cooed as he nursed for another five minutes before Agnetha burped him. From there, Agnetha carried him over to the bathroom which was directly across from the nursery and gave her infant son a bath as Björn came home and started preparing breakfast. However, Björn had already bought some authentic New York styled bagels from the new bagel shop that was nearby and he simply couldn't resist. So after putting the bagels down, he decided to check on his wife and sons as well as his daughter who was still asleep as far as anyone was concerned.

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