Labor of Love

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February 23, 1973
4 am

Björn and Agnetha were in bed sleeping just like any other night. At this point, the baby was about two weeks overdue and Björn had been planning to call the doctor and try to book an appointment for the baby to be induced since it was unhealthy for both Agnetha and the baby if the baby stays in Agnetha's stomach longer than she should.

Agnetha woke up with the urge to get up and pee. As she walked into the en suite bathroom and turned on the lights, she took a look at herself in the mirror and as she was heading to the toilet to pee, she felt some sharp pain shooting through her stomach as some warm liquid flowed through her legs. Agnetha winced in pain as she looked down to see what it was. Her water had broken.

"Björn! Björn! Wake up!" Agnetha yelled from the bathroom.

Björn woke up immediately and noticed that the bathroom door was open and the lights were on. He quickly went over to where Agnetha was and noticed that she was laying in the bathtub and grabbing her stomach as another contraction hit her.

"What's going on sweetheart?! Is the baby coming?" Björn asked as he quickly approached her.

"Yeah my water broke," Agnetha replied as another contraction came through.

"How long ago did it break?"

"I don't know. Maybe about a minute or two ago."

"Ok, ok. I'll make sure you have everything packed in your bag and call the hospital," Björn said as he quickly headed out of the bathroom.

"Ok Björn. Please hurry," Agnetha replied.

Björn made sure that Agnetha packed everything that she needed in her bag, along with any supplies for the baby. He rushed over to the phone and called the hospital, letting them know that Agnetha was in labor. He grabbed his coat and winter boots and helped Agnetha into her coat and slippers and they headed out to the car.

They headed to the hospital and Björn couldn't help but feel excited about the fact that his daughter will finally arrive today. Agnetha, despite her contractions, was equally excited about meeting her little girl for the first time. Just a few hours and our little girl will be here before we know it, Agnetha thought.

Björn and Agnetha made it to the hospital in record time and Agnetha was placed in a wheelchair and was wheeled over to one of the birthing rooms in the maternity ward as Björn parked the car. He arrived at Agnetha's bedside soon afterwards and Agnetha couldn't be anymore grateful that he was by her side. As soon as he entered the room Agnetha was in, he immediately turned on his video camera that he brought from home as he had planned to film the birth.

"Oh Björn! Thank God you're here!" Agnetha exclaimed as she reached for Björn.

"No place I'd rather be," Björn replied as he held Agnetha's hand as another contraction came through.

The doctor and the midwife came in shortly afterwards to check on Agnetha and the baby. Agnetha's exposed bump was covered with a fetal monitor as the doctor and midwife checked the baby's heartbeat and saw how she was doing. The midwife also placed Agnetha's feet in stirrups and spread her legs wide apart to see how far Agnetha has dilated.

"Well Agnetha, everything seems to be going well with you and your little one. Right now, you are about 3 centimeters dilated. We will check in on you every once in a while to see how the labor has progressed. If you guys need anything, just hit that red button on the right side of the bed," the doctor announced as she and midwife left the room.

10 am

Six hours have passed since Agnetha's water broke and still no sign of the labor progressing. By then, Björn had called his and Agnetha's parents along with Benny and Frida as well as Eva and Mona and keeping them updated on everything that was going on.

Agnetha and Bjorn: The Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now