Welcome to New York

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September 1974

After a long, warm, and relaxing summer, the group had to continue with their promotional tour. The tour would take them to the rest of Europe and to New York City. The city of dreams, the city that never sleeps. And therefore, the four friends were excited. And after Linda didn't recognize her parents earlier this year after winning Eurovision, Björn and Agnetha decided to take Linda with them whenever they toured from now on. At least to places that were a little further away from Sweden. Leaving Linda behind was too much for Agnetha and Björn and for Agnetha especially.

Linda's little heart also didn't take it and that's one of the reasons why she had a lot of separation anxiety from her parents along with the fact that she was at the age where young toddlers tend to have a lot of separation anxieties. With that being said, Björn and Agnetha were excited to bring Linda to New York with them along with Marie-Louise, who would stay with Linda and keep her occupied while Agnetha, Björn, Benny, and Frida were busy doing their promotional work. Agnetha and Björn also made sure that they spend time with Linda while in New York while Marie-Louise had some time to herself. On the other hand, Benny and Frida's children were staying with Christina and Ragnar.

The four friends traveled around Germany and the Netherlands performing in several concerts there before heading back to Sweden to relax for a bit before it was time for them to cross the Atlantic over to New York. Björn, Agnetha, and Linda were excited, as were Benny and Frida. They were going to New York after all. But Agnetha couldn't help but be nervous. It was also gonna be Linda's first time ever flying in a plane not to mention Agnetha's own fear of flying. And that was the thought that was running through Agnetha's mind constantly that afternoon while she was inside the nursery packing Linda's suitcase.

Björn walked into Linda's nursery with Linda in his arms and put his arm around Agnetha's shoulders when he saw how nervous and tensed she looked while she continued packing Linda's things into her little suitcase that was filled with clothes, diapers, and her other bits and pieces.

"Anna here, let me take over for a while," Björn said gently. "I think you need a break for right now."

"Thank you Björn," Agnetha muttered, almost sounding panicked. "I'm so nervous! I —!"

Björn immediately put Linda into her crib before walking back over to Agnetha and put his arm around her shoulders once again. He was concerned for his wife as she looked as if she were on the verge of a nervous breakdown and Björn really hated to see Agnetha like that as it wasn't the first time this has happened to her.

"What's making you nervous sweetheart?" Björn asked gently as he led her out of Linda's nursery and into their own bedroom.

Björn continued holding Agnetha in his arms as he gently walked himself and Agnetha over to their bedroom. Once they got there, Björn gently sat himself and Agnetha onto the bed and that's when Agnetha spoke up and answered her husband's question at last as she burst into tears. Björn held his wife even more as it broke his heart to see her cry.

"Shh...it will be ok my darling," Björn soothed.

"No it won't, Björn!" Agnetha exclaimed through her tears. "I mean don't get me wrong, I'm happy Linda is coming with us but at the same time this is her first time flying and I'm scared for her, Björn! And you know I'm scared of flying too!"

"Anna baby, everything will be ok," Björn replied reassuringly. "Linda will be just fine. And so will we."

"You promise?" Agnetha tearfully asked as she looked up at Björn.

"I absolutely promise," Björn replied reassuringly and firmly at the same time. "You know I won't let anything happen to you both. You and Linda are my two precious girls. My greatest treasures."

Agnetha and Bjorn: The Love StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin