Meet the Parents

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October 1969

Björn and Agnetha had been dating for nearly six months and had been living together in a small apartment in Lilla Essingen together for about two months already. Not only that, but Björn and Agnetha's relationship, along with their respective music careers have been doing really well. Björn was still working in the studio with Benny and Stig while Agnetha had just released her new album, which included a song called Försönade.

Björn's parents, Aina and Gunnar, were happy to hear that Björn was in a new relationship and had desperately wanted to meet Agnetha. After all, Aina and Gunnar were pleased that Agnetha was making their son happy again, just like any other parent would feel. That night, Björn received a phone call from his parents in Västervik while Agnetha was taking a shower.

"Hello mama!" Björn said.

"Björn! My son, how are you?!" Aina exclaimed.

"I'm doing well, mama. How are you?"

"All is well, your father is at work and Eva is still at school studying."

"That's good. I'm glad everything is ok."

"Thank you, Björn. Anyways, how's your relationship with Agnetha going?"

"It's going great mama."

"And what else?"

"Well I love her and she loves me that's all."

"Björn, there's more to that. I'm your mother and I know for sure."

"Well if you think that, then maybe you, papa, and Eva should come and visit if you all can."

"Sounds like a good idea. We were planning on coming to Stockholm anyways. We were thinking next week."

"Sounds like a plan. See you then. Bye mama!"

"Bye Björn!"

After Björn hung up the phone, he went over to the living room to tell Agnetha the news. She had already come out of the shower and was watching TV while wearing her pink robe over her pajamas. Her long, blonde hair was wet since she had just washed her hair while in the shower.

"Your hair smells good. Just like peaches and cream," Björn said, sniffing your hair.

"Thank you cutie pie!" Agnetha replied blushing.

"You know what else smells like peaches and cream?"



"Aww...Björn, you're too sweet!" Agnetha blushed.

"Well there's something important that I want to tell you."

"What is it?"

"So just to make a long story short, remember when you took me to Jönköping to meet your parents and your sister?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well my parents are coming up to Stockholm next weekend and they'll be here for a week. My sister might be coming too."

"Sounds great. I'm really excited to meet them!"

"Believe me, they are just as excited to meet you as well."


The following weekend, Björn and Agnetha were cleaning their apartment and cooking some dinner as they awaited the arrival of Björn's parents as well as his sister, Eva. Björn vacuumed the apartment and picked up some of the garbage that was littered around the house and threw them into the dumpster that was just outside their building, before helping Agnetha cook up some steak.

Agnetha and Bjorn: The Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now