Glad Midsommar

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Summer 1978

It was now summertime and the group were finally having their much needed break for the most part. Of course, they were all very happy but Agnetha and Björn were still having their problems. For starters, Agnetha's postpartum depression was getting worse and she didn't know how to handle it and it didn't help that it's 1978 and postpartum depression is virtually non existent. At least when it comes to treating things like these and as a result, Björn was gradually getting more and more irritated by his wife's behavior even as their seventh wedding anniversary was coming up within the next few days now that it was Midsommar.

Björn was not only gradually getting irritated by Agnetha's postpartum depression, but he was getting more and more focused on the music. He was a 33 year old man and he was at the prime of his life and so were Benny, Frida, and Agnetha who were 31, 32, and 28 respectively. And to top it off, ABBA were at the height of fame but they still weren't as successful in the Americas as they were here in Europe as well as in Australia, Asia, and Africa. He was so determined to break that American market for good and he felt like no one can stop him. Little did he know, it would bring him some unexpected consequences.

For now, the group were enjoying their long awaited summer break and today, the group were planning to go sailing around the Swedish coast as a nice weekend trip. Well, Benny and Frida were planning to go sailing all over the Swedish coast with their children for the next few weeks on Benny's boat but today Agnetha, Björn, Linda, and Christian were joining them. The Ulvaeus family arrived at the dock where Benny, Frida, and baby Fiona were waiting for them. At this point, Fiona was nearly 11 months old, which meant that her first birthday was coming soon and each day, she was growing more and more like her mother in terms of physical appearance but personality wise, she was more like Benny.

On the other hand, Christian was nearly seven months old and like Fiona, he was growing more and more like his mother in terms of physical appearance but was more like his father personality wise. However, appearances change and it was already being seen with Linda, who was also growing more and more like her mother in terms of physical appearance but was still more like Björn physically. Her hair still had it's light brown color after all but there was no doubt that it was naturally starting to get lighter and more blonde.

"Hello strangers!" Frida exclaimed as she waved at Agnetha, Björn, Linda, and Christian with her free arm since she was holding Fiona with the other. "We thought you weren't going to make it!"

"Yeah right," Björn huffed jokingly and sarcastically as he, Agnetha, and the kids greeted their friends.

Once they got onto the boat, Linda, Christian, and Fiona wore little life jackets to wear as they would be sailing around the archipelago and were hoping to spend some time on the island of Viggso where Benny and Björn had already written some of their most famous hits. Linda was very excited about this as Viggso was one of her favorite places in the world, if not her favorite place in the world. She just loved it, especially the atmosphere and the positive vibes that being on Viggso always brings.

"Mommy, daddy!" Linda exclaimed excitedly as she sat cutely between her parents and turned to them. Agnetha had Christian on her lap. "Are we at Viggso yet?!"

"No, not yet sweetheart," Björn replied. "But we will be there soon."

"Are we there now?" Linda asked.

"No Linda," Agnetha replied firmly. "Your father just said that we'll be there soon."

Linda looked up at Agnetha in disgust and disbelief then walked over to where Frida and Fiona were along with Hans, Lotta, and Helene while Benny was still driving the boat with Peter standing by him. Linda couldn't tolerate her mother's attitude either and straight up thought that her mommy was always mean to her all of a sudden and loved Christian more than she ever loved her. Agnetha's attitude towards Linda was improving, but there was still work that needed to be done. The poor woman was stressed beyond belief on top of her postpartum depression and something really needed to be done about it.

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