Ring Ring, Why Don't You Give Me a Call?

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February 10, 1973

Today was the big day: Agnetha, Björn, Benny, and Frida were going to compete for the chance at competing at Eurovision with their song, Ring Ring. They were very determined to win and get the chance to travel to Luxembourg for the Eurovision final.

Agnetha's advanced pregnancy is still being a hinder to their performance due to the fact that she is now nine months pregnant along with the fact that today was her due date. This didn't stop Agnetha from wanting to participate but either way, the four friends and Stig came up with a backup plan in case anything went wrong before, during, or after their performance.

As the four friends entered the SVT Television Center where the event was taking place, they couldn't help but feel nervous and Agnetha especially was nervous about how everything was going to go tonight especially because of her advanced pregnancy and the fact that the baby can arrive at any time now.

"Nervous darling?" Björn asked as he turned to his wife.

"Yes," Agnetha breathed.

"Don't worry my love. We will win tonight for sure. Now don't stress yourself out. It's not good for you and our baby girl. And speaking of the baby, we don't have that much longer until we get to meet her for the first time. She's going to be so beautiful and just like her mommy. She'll be in your arms before we know it," Björn replied.

"He's right darling," Frida replied. "I can't believe my little niece is almost here!"

"I love you guys," Agnetha replied.

"We love you too, Agnetha," Benny replied as he, Frida, Agnetha, and Björn had a group hug despite Agnetha's huge bump being in the way.

"Anyways we better be getting ready. The show is gonna start soon," Björn said as he looked at his watch.

Benny and Björn hurried over to their changing room and as they changed into their suits, they gave each other a pep talk.

"As much as I look like a penguin in this outfit, I'm excited you know. But I'm also nervous," Björn said as he adjusted his bow tie.

"About our performance?" Benny replied as he sat down waiting for Björn to finish up.

"That and for the baby," Björn replied as he finished fixing his bow tie and sat down next to Benny.

"I feel you man."

"What's it like?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what's it like being a dad?"

"Björn, if I have to be very brutally honest with you man, it's a hard question. It's an amazing experience and it's one you get to cherish for a lifetime, but you have to experience fatherhood for yourself to really understand what it's like. Even though I don't get to see Peter and Helene often due to the fact that Christina and I are no longer together, I cherish every moment I have with them. It's very important as a parent. Children grow fast you know. And before you know it, your little girl will be graduating from high school, going to college, getting married, and having children of her own. But let's not think too far ahead man. You're about to have your first child and I'm already making you think about having your first grandchild."

"I would love to have grandchildren one day."

"Yeah but for now, focus on the fact that your first child is about to make her appearance into this world. Live in the moment and cherish all the time you have with her and any other children you and Agnetha have together, even if we do end up having a successful music career. And speaking of music, even if we don't win tonight, we just have to keep pushing ourselves harder. We will be world famous before we know it."

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