Tensions Rising

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After Agnetha rushed out of the meeting in tears, Frida went over to the bathroom to find Agnetha and comfort her. Meanwhile, Benny was equally disgusted by his best friend's behavior towards his wife and there was no doubt that he wanted to set Björn straight and put him in his place. Björn himself, on the other hand, was also left fuming after the incident and decided to go outside and take a smoke. Benny quietly excused himself as went and followed Björn outside.

"Björn!" Benny exclaimed as he found Björn outside right next to the front door of the studio as Björn lit up his cigarette and began putting it in his mouth. "What the hell was that for?!"

"I didn't do anything wrong," Björn shrugged as he continued smoking his cigarette. "I was just setting Anna straight and putting her in her place."

"She didn't need to be set straight and put in her place as you say it!" Benny exclaimed. "She knows what her place is and she didn't deserve to be yelled at! Especially by her husband in front of Stig, Görel, Lena, and Michael in the middle of a meeting!"

"It's not my fault she was crying in the middle of the meeting!" Björn exclaimed. "She knows how to act professionally during a meeting! But she clearly wasn't being professional!"

"What were you and Agnetha talking about on your way here?!"

"Why do you care?!"

"Because Agnetha said something about you saying some nice things to her on your way here after you threw her under the bus and before you yelled at her," Benny replied.

"Yeah I did," Björn replied. "She was crying in the car and I wanted to help her. Despite my arrogance lately, I still do love her."

"Then show it more and stop acting like an arrogant asshole," Benny replied. "If you love her, then treat her the way that you've always treated her. Show her that you can be the man that you were before Christian was born and her personality changed."

"Yeah you're right," Björn sighed as he threw his cigarette on the ground and gently stomped on it to get rid of the fire.

Björn and Benny went back inside the studio so Björn can apologize to Agnetha for his behavior towards her earlier. Meanwhile, Frida managed to find Agnetha crying in the bathroom and gently knocked on the door as Agnetha's heart wrenching sobs can be heard. And it broke Frida's heart. Her heart was really hurting for her best friend.

"Agnetha!" Frida exclaimed gently as she knocked on the bathroom door. "Anna, are you in there? It's me, Frida."

Agnetha gently opened the door to let Frida in before closing it. Agnetha's face was red and swollen from crying so much and it hurt Frida to see her best friend this way as Frida wrapped her arms around Agnetha and Agnetha continued crying.

"Shh...Agnetha," Frida soothed. "Let it all out. It will do you good."

"Why did he have to do this to me?!" Agnetha exclaimed through her tears. "I thought he loved me!"

"He loves you, Anna," Frida replied. "You know that."

"Yeah but he's never treated me like this before," Agnetha replied as she began wiping her tears and gently let go of Frida's embrace. "He used to always be so kind and so caring and so loving and tender. A-And now he's very egotistic and self centered and seems to only care about himself and ABBA."

"Anna, maybe this is just a phase," Frida replied as she and Agnetha walked over to the sink and Agnetha began washing her face and redoing her makeup as her tears subsided while sniffling in between. "I'm sure your recent personality changes are also a phase. But one thing is for sure, you and Björn love each other and have always been meant for each other. Your two are soulmates and I've always envisioned the two of you growing old together and having as many kids together as possible. The two of you have lots of hopes and dreams and even though, it seems like right now, your biggest priority is the children since they are both still really small, especially Christian. But as they get older and can start fending for themselves a bit more, you and Björn can continue with your personal ambitions but then again, it seems like Björn wants to do that sooner than later. But still, I think this whole situation is just a phase so the only other thing I can say to you is to just let things blow over and after a while, you and Björn can have a little talk between the two of you and hopefully, work things out from there."

Agnetha and Bjorn: The Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now