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"Come on in guys!" Jeff Probst calls out to the castaways who, nervously, walk into the Tribal Council area with their torches lit.

As they place their torches down and take a seat, Jeff begins

"We'll now welcome the members of our jury, Ricki and Jonathan voted out at the last Tribal Council" Jeff announces as the two walk into Tribal Council. Jonathan walks very serious and doesn't look at a single of the remaining castaways until he finally sits down on there jury bench. He sits with anger painted on his face

"Right, so let's get straight to it. Mora, we had a reward challenge and you were depicted as the most attractive, the most annoying and the most likely to waist the prize money, how did you feel when you heard that?" Jeff asks

"Well, I found the most attractive quite fitting to be honest, but most annoying and most likely to waist a million dollars, yeah, that hurt a little. I mean, I was pretty furious these people saw me that way because I have been putting in a lot of effort with them and I am still the most annoying" Mora answers

"Were you surprised by any of the answers Harrison?" Jeff asks him

"No, no offence Mora, but they all seemed pretty fitting" Harrison replies

"Offence taken" Mora blurts out

"Kate, winning the reward meant you received an advantage in the immunity challenge, do you think that helped you?" asks Jeff

"Not at all. I mean, I don't have the necklace around my neck. But Leon shoots a gun everyday at home, so it was his to lose" Kate says

"Bennett, has their been any talk on hidden immunity idols?" queries Jeff

"I haven't heard of any, no" Bennett gulps

"Has anyone?" Jeff turns his question to the group, to which everyone shakes their heads

"So Courtney, if history repeats itself, it should be you going home tonight. Are you at all worried?" Jeff questions, gesturing to the jury

"Oh definitely. But I feel a little less anxious about it then I was a few hours ago" Courtney smiles uncontrollably

"Why's that?" Jeff asks. The Jury ecstatic with her answer

"Well, lots has been said around camp today and I think I might be in the clear for this one?" Courtney states.

No one seems surprised about that comment. In fact they all sit their with solidarity. Jonathan and Ricki however high five, smiling

"Leon, from my end, no one is surprised with that comment that Courtney made. Does that mean everyone knows that there has been talk about someone other then Courtney going home tonight?" asks Jeff

"I think everyone is definitely starting to play an individual game. So by playing individually, some might see Courtney as an extra vote" Leon says as Courtney raises her eyebrows

Kate seems very unsure about his comment

"So what is happening then, if Courtney isn't in the spotlight, who is Erika?"

"We are really trying to sort out the trust within our alliance. So we are just trying to get rid of any distrust" Erika answers

"I believe it comes down to the threats, actually Jeff" Leon interjects

"This is interesting. We have Erika saying we get rid of the bad eggs that aren't playing trustworthy, but Leon, who is in the same alliance, has a different approach saying we need to get rid of threats. What makes a threat, Mora?"

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