DAY 10 - Short Tempers

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This vote was really tricky for me, and I kind of feel bad voting Danielle out. Like she would have been really good at the game, she had all the right characteristics. But that is why she needed to go.

My vote was long term. I know everyone hates Mora so keeping her around will keep a target off my back and if she is in the final three with me, she has no hope in winning. Danielle was to likeable so that is why I vote that way.

Since voting with Mora, she thinks we are now an alliance. Let me get this straight, I cannot stand her and never will. I pretty much agreed with everything Danielle and Courtney had to say about her, but I am in this game to win, and keeping her around is a good strategic move.

I need to really talk with Kyle and see where his head is at. I will only get so far with Kyle until I am going have to cut the ties between us and vote him out because he could beat me, but we don't need to address that now.

When we get back to camp, Lindsay high-fives me and smiles. Everyone is treating me like a hero. Everyone excpet Courtney and Sean. They walk off, totally uninterested in being around any of us

"Thank god their gone! Can't wait until they're gone for good" Mora says in that snobby way she says everything. Lindsay brought up in Tribal Council that Danielle and Courtney were bullying Mora. But she treats them like crap! I know two wrongs don't make a right, but that is plain hypocritical. I feel uncomfortable being in there presence bullying Courtney and Danielle. I feel like a bad person.

I will just see where this goes for me in the game, but I am ready go cut them off at any time.


I am pissed right off!

I could have sworn we had Jonathan and Kyle with us. I am so mad. My girl Danielle, went home because they sided with an immature, rude bitch!

Right now, I'm pulling out all stops to keep Sean, but especially myself in this game. Because this nob heads sided against the wrong girl.

I'll keep Sean in my pocket for now, but I am so ready to get dirty in this game. I am so ready.

Arriving at camp, I didn't even want to be around these people, so Sean and I took a walk along the crashing tide. It is a full moon tonight and it shines the a giant light over us all. I look at it like a beacon of hope. Hope for myself in this game. It is still early in this game, the ending is unpredictable.

I know I have what it takes to keep going in this game.

"Well, that was a bummer" Sean says, as we stroll silently down the beach

"You don't say!" I reply, sarcastically.

I toss sand with my feet as we walk. We look around, helpless and down

"I don't even want to sleep under the same shelter as them" I say, fed up

"No, neither" Sean says, "we just have to make sure we have each other's back, because we can still make it."

"Totally man! You have my word for it" I say, offering my hand in which he shakes.

We walk back to the shelter, because we are both pissed off and tired. I don't talk to anyone, or look at them. But rest my head and try to sleep. Sleeping is a thing that doesn't happen very often, but I try any way in hope I get a few hours.

DAY 10



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