Day 26 - An Early War

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Now I am in deep, deep trouble. There is no doubt in my mind I am going home tonight, unless I do something.

I have been running situation's through my head the past three days, and I think I have got a total of five hours sleep all up. So a part of me wants to get voted out so I can sleep, and the other half wants to make the five hours worth it and do something about my situation. But I just don't know how to break that alliance. They all seem so tight and forgiving.

My only hope is the same thing I tried last time. That is Kyle and Mora. I know Mora is really keen on getting Kate out, but I don't think Kyle is as much. Kyle only wanted to last time because he didn't want to upset Jonathan. Big turn out that happened to be, well done Kyle.

But I was thinking about approach this in two different ways

I could do the same thing I did last time, talk to Mora and see if anyone will rally up against Kate. But I just don't think that is going to work. So I am trying something else.

I am going to throw them all under the bus

I will tell Kate that Kyle was about to flip on her and so hopefully that sparks a riff in there alliance and they can keep me around a little longer. But I am betting on Kate's want for everyone to trust her, to be the undoing of their alliance. Because if I tell her Kyle and doesn't trust her then she will have to get them out. Better yet, they might all actually turn on Kate because of it. But, I am not going to Kate that Mora and Bennett were also planning on turning on her, because I think I can use Mora and Bennett to vote Kate out. So if I play my cards right, this could be very successful, if not, then this is the end for Courtney


Arriving back at camp, and all I wanted to do was lay down. The challenge was fun, but it involved a lot of nothing, and standing around in the hot sun. So, it was exhausting in that factor.

It was Leon's challenge to lose anyway, he hunts everyday of his life ever since he was born, and I am a city kid, I got no chance of beating him, but I thought I did pretty well.

When we got back to the Juntos camp, Courtney walked off on her own.

When she is out of ears reach, I am the first to say, "It's definitely Courtney tonight, yeah? No fishy business"

Everyone nods, certainly. I stare at Mora, in particular. She is very convincing in her nod, saying she will vote for Courtney. But me and her have grown quite close, and I know that isn't the entire case. I definitely will talk to her.

My thought process for the rest of the game is quite simple. Once Courtney has gone tonight, it will be our main alliance left. Kate, Erika, Mora and I have the majority after this, therefor we can take out Leon, Harrison and Kyle one by one afterwards. Then it shouldn't be hard at all to get to final three. So it is fair to say, I am very excited for the rest of this game.

I am on my way to hang my bag up, before my Mora stops me. She holds my arms and mouths the words 'Talk. Now'

I look around subtly to make sure no one saw.

I hang my bag up and take into the jungle. There is a path that divides the jungle down the back of our camp, I trek down it, beside Mora. Once out of earshot she breaths heavily

"What?" I ask her

"I have a plan" Mora smirks

"Dude, please. No more plans. This is the best option, to vote Courtney out tonight" I assure, very sternly

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