Day 38 - Offer it Up

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After the watching the burning flames, of the comrades torches, the final four respectfully meet Jeff on the same beach they walked up and down for the Rites of Passage

He stands there, smiling, as they organize themselves on the green, Juntos mat

"Welcome, final four, to your final immunity challenge" Jeff stretches out the words to create tension as he speaks. Each word lingers in their ears, winning this is so important

"What a different atmosphere. If you think back to day one, on this very beach, right where you are standing, sixteen eager castaways began the journey of a lifetime. Now here we are, thirty-eight days later, with only four. Four who are far more exhausted, tired, hungry and dehydrated as ever before. There is one day left, and only three of you will survive. I thought this destination was fitting, to finish it off, where it all began"

The all smile as they relive the first day in there head. 

Harrison thinks about the moment when Jeff threw him the map, and how he knew from that moment, things were going to be great.

Mora isn't even thinking about the first day, she is examining the challenge. She sees four long wobbly balancing arms, one for each person. Beside each one, stacks of various sized bowls and plates. 

She grins cheekily know exactly what she'll be doing.

"Shall we get to today's challenge!" Jeff says, everyone agreeing, "Mora, I'm going to need to take immunity back from you"

Mora approaches Jeff and lets him take the necklace off her, placing it on the stand.

"Immunity is back up for grabs. In today's challenge the four of you will need to balance various sized plates and bowls on a long wobbly balancing arm. It's all about concentration, if you drop your stack, your out. Last person with a stack of dishes, is the winner of this challenge is is guaranteed a spot in the final three where they will plead there case to the jury" Jeff announces

Everyone seems pretty nervous when Jeff announces the instructions. Such an easy task, that will require the utmost focus and attention.

"We'll draw for spots, lets get started!" Jeff says as everyone ready's themselves for the most important challenge to date


"Alright, let's get this show on the road" Jeff says, as everyone finds a comfortable grip on the arm.

"First dish... the large plate" Jeff says.

The four reach to the table next to them and grab a large plate from the stack available.

Everyone tries to centre the plate as best as the can as it is the base for the entire stack to come.

"Next dish will be a large bowl" says Jeff and everyone tries to centre their bowl on the plate

"Let's add another large plate" Jeff instructs, and perfectly, everyone places their plate

The challenge progresses steadily, medium bowl, medium plate, small bowl, medium bowl, large bowl, small bowl, medium bowl, one right after the other trying to successfully make the stack as balanced and stable as possible

"You are now stacked nine dishes high, Erika wobbling a little bit" Jeff examines, Erika winces as her stack shakes in minuscule movements

"The next dish will be a small plate" Jeff says, taking them to ten dishes high. Everyone is stable, except Erika, who has serious wobbles. He stack is rattling faster and louder. She takes deep breaths and is back under control.

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