DAY 24 - The Honest Truth

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Once again, a crap crap our for Courtney. I don't think I have come back from a Tribal Council feeling okay or accomplished. The only time I ever felt some sort of success leaving Tribal Council was when Lindsay left. But every other time I have been left on the outside. I am never comfortable in this game and I am sick of getting walked over.

In fact, I am okay with being on the outside that isn't the part that upsets me, it the fact that people straight up lie to you without hesitation and treat you like dirt. I am just sick of these people.

I know if I don't win immunity, I am gone. There is nothing that I know of, that I can do about it. But I am not shutting out the idea and I am not going to stop fight. If they want to get me out, they better accept the storm I'm going to bring with me. I will throw them all under the bus and I won't regret it.

When we get to camp, Erika gives me a sympathy hug. I thought that was the worst thing she could have done. You just disadvantaged me, don't come up to me and say sorry, because you weren't sorry.

All I want to do now is sleep. But as I put my head down, I struggle to keep my eyes shut. My brain is working a thousand miles per hour. This game blur's your sense of reality and I am freaking out. I can't show weakness though. I need to let these people know, I am here to win. They just need to accept it.

DAY 24


I woke up this morning in a bad mood.

I was thinking over-night about the two votes I received at Tribal Council.

Jonathan and Courtney seemed way to hopeful at Tribal Council last night. I can read people very well, and they seemed like they had a hidden agenda, that something was going on. Now that, that worries me, because if they were hopeful, then someone or some people within my alliance would had to be talking behind my back. Whether or not they sided with me or not, they didn't let me know that Jonathan and Courtney were talking about me. So, I don't know who this is but I don't trust them. I assume it was Kyle, but it couldn't have been only Kyle, whether is be another one or two maybe. But I will find out and rid of the cancer, so maybe Courtney gets to hang around a bit longer. I am just going to interrogate Kyle until he breaks. As soon as he does, is the moment I write down his name. I have the numbers to do it, so watch out kid


"Tree mail! Tree mail!" I shout, pacing through the jungle back to camp. Harrison and I just went to tree mail to find a message about a reward challenge today

"What does it say?" Bennett asks

"I'll read it" I say. I look around to see if everyone is gathered around. Surely enough, they are

"Today's challenge will test your knowledge of the people on your tribe,
You will be quizzed and tested on one another, and the winner get's a prize" I read aloud.

Everyone looks around quizzically with "Ooh's" and "Aah's".

"Well, I guess you should start getting to know ya'll" Courtney laughs

That's the first time I heard her speak since Tribal last night. But we all laugh awkwardly at her 'joke?'

"Well let's get to it" Leon speaks and we gather our things and head to reward



The Juntos tribe walks onto the sandy shore, up to where host, Jeff Probst stands

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