DAY 15 - Unplugged

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A/N: For the challenge, I will write the members of the BELAU tribe in bold so it is easy to understand the two tribes


The crystal clear waves crash on the pure white, sandy shores. Two boats sit calmly on the ocean surface as the sun beats down on the course.

"Come on in guys!" Jeff Probst calls out and the two newly formed Belau and Malakal tribes.

Malakal take their positions on the blue flag and Belau pile onto the red.

"Okay, how's everybody going. Kyle, how is the new tribe?" Jeff asks referring to the Belau tribe.

"Its great Jeff!" Kyle says overly ecstatic, "all these dudes are amazing, such a good tribe"

"What about you, Bennett. How's the tribe?" Jeff asks looking at the Malakal tribe.

"We got a pretty kickass tribe Jeff, I mean, I think we have the upper hand when it comes to challenges" Bennett cries

A few cocks of the eyebrow come from the other tribe.

"Let's get to it then!" Jeff announced, as everyone beams excitedly.

"In today's challenge, the tribes must transport their tribe flag from the ocean to the beach. Each tribe has a boat anchored to the ocean floor with a large wooden box. In addition, each boat has six holes filled with rubber plugs. On my cue, four tribe members have to pull out the plugs and begin bailing water out of the boat while the other two tribe members jump into the water and start moving the boat by pulling the anchor towards shore. Once the boat is clipped onto the hitching post, it's a race up the beach to put the anchor on the finish mat. The first tribe to put the tribe flag in the ground, wins Immunity" Jeff says as everyone takes everything in.

"Now, Belau, hand back that immunity idol" Jeff says taking the statue from Ricki.

"As well as immunity you will be playing for reward" Jeff announces. Everyone bites their nail in nervous anticipation for the reward

Beside Jeff is a table with a sheet covering what ever lays on the surface of it. Jeff pulls the sheet off the table to reveal...

"Coffee, Tea, Potatoes and an array of herbs and spices. Anything you need, for a filling meal" Jeff reveals as everyone is mesmerised gobsmacked and ecstatic.

"Herbs and spices to add flavour to the plain rice and fish you have been eating for the past fifteen days"

"Oh my god! Coffee!" Erika says, almost crying

"Are you okay Erika, this has made you emotional by the looks of it?" Jeff asks, chuckling to himself

"I have about seven to eight cups of coffee at home, and I probably have missed it just as much as I miss my children" Erika laughs

"Obviously something a lot of you want to win, worth playing for?" Jeff asks

Everyone shouts a chorus of 'yes'

"I'll give you a minute to strategise" Jeff announces and everyone takes their positions.


"Alright folks, we are ready to begin" Jeff declares

Everyone very eager to make an impression in their new tribes.

"For Belau, in the boat we have Ricki, Courtney, Harrison and Lindsay who will be emptying the boat of the water, and Leon and Kyle pulling the heavy anchor to shore" Jeff says as Belau nod with readiness.

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