DAY 15 - Fractured Alliances

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This the hardest moment I have faced yet, in the game of Survivor.

I know it is silly, but I really wanted that reward to, especially the coffee. I probably looked stupid getting all giddy over coffee, but it is like a safe haven for me. I live a busy life, running around two children and whenever I have a timeout it is a privileged time. I love my children, don't get me wrong, but they are a lot of work, and I suppose that reward just reminded me of home and that I had something there to comfort me from all the stress out her. I could have had a timeout from the strategy and game play.

But you can't always get what you want.

Tonight, I face a tough decision. Kate and I will be sticking together, no doubt, but we are a bit low on numbers. So we need to regain Bennett's trust. I am good with Bennett, I think we have a good relationship, but I think him and Kate have some bridges that need to be rebuilt.

But I am lost up to their. I don't know what is going to happen to the old Malakal tribe. Will it be a two way tie, three votes each? It seems like the old Malakal people are very unstable, so hopefully we can work our way in and pick the right people to ally with. I won't lie about it, all three of them annoy me a little. So they might really have to prove themselves to me.

Like all Tribal Councils, I still think it will be hard to say goodbye to someone. I hate voting people off.


Today was the worst possible outcome for me.

No doubt Mora and Jonathan will both target me tonight, so I am going to have to work with the ex-Belau people, and turn them against either two of them.

I feel it'll be easier to target Mora, because she basically walks around with 'Spoiled Brat' written on her forehead.

I have full confidence in myself. I will talk to Erika first, because we might have some, 'old people' connection. Then hopefully I can chat to Kate and Bennett after that.

I just have to watch out for those sneaky snakes, because I would hate to go out on their accord.


Malakal, facing Tribal Council... again.

Everyone is so down about it, but boy I love going there. As long as I am safe, I can't wait.

On the walk back from the challenge I was being super nice. Whether or not they were buying it is a different story.

The tribe all sit around the shelter after feeling like we went into cardiac arrest from that challenge. That was the most exhausting thing, and I think I am still semi-dead from it.

The best bit at staying at the Malakal is that I got a clue for a hidden immunity idol hidden someone at this camp.

I had the clue stolen from me, but I remember it saying something about being underneath something big and blue. Which I figured was a huge tribe flag that sits on our camp. Today, I plan on finding it.

It is hard to get everyone away from the camp and no one is leaving under the exhausted circumstances they are in.

This may prove to be a little more difficult then anticipated.

Finding the time to do this may be a challenge. I also still need to talk strategy with Jonathan, and make sure Kate and Erika are with me in tonight's vote.


I think I died and came back to life in that challenge. When it finished I think my body stopped and I died.

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