DAY 39 - We Made It

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DAY 39


We made it.

Coming back from Tribal last night was a real bitter sweet experience. I never had any intentions of voting out Mora, but the things that were shared at Tribal, I needed reassurance. Harrison made some amazing points and quite frankly, has played an impressive game.

Voting out Mora was a selfish decision.

I needed someone on that jury I can guarantee will vote for me at the end, and I know Mora would. Erika or Harrison, I couldn't guarantee.

But now that I am here, I need to own it.

I wake up after the best night sleep I've had.

It's day thirty-nine. It's incredible, I never expected to be here. If you asked me on day one when I was stuck in an alliance with the infamous Dorothy and Ricki, and here I am, please with the way I've played and excited to face up and own my game.

The cool morning breeze seeps through the shelter, in which we, Harrison, Erika and I lay. For the first time in thirty-nine days, we all decide to sleep in without judgments. Not having to worry about doing work around camp, or boil water or light the fire. We are done here, and our journey is almost over.

The sun is at it's highest peek in the sky, around midday when the three of us get up, stretch our limbs, and let the cool air welcome us.

"Wow" Erika says, and some how a word so simple, sums everything up perfectly


As I look around at the camp in which we have lived on for a majority of our time, my heart begins to ache. So many great people have stayed here, and so many memories have been made.

The same people strolled these sands, that are going to be confronting me this evening.

As Harrison, Bennett and I walk our way to treemail, we struggle to pick our jaws off the ground as we see a large basket filled with breakfast supplies. Eggs, bacon, various fruits, toppings and bread. Everything we have been craving each morning since we came out here.

There are large jugs of various juices and milk, fresh water and beside the basket, something dauntingly exciting.

A scale

"Oh my god!" Bennett yells as he tries to take it all in

"This is perfect" Harrison coo's 

We set up the picnic blanket and lay it on the ground. We situate the basket and ourselves and indulge in the goodness we have been supplied with.

"Wait, wait, wait..." Harrison starts before we dive in, "should we weigh ourselves first before we put it all back on"

Bennett is first to jump on

"Ben, how much were you before this?" Harrison asks

"Something around 194 pounds (88kg) I think" Bennett speaks as he looks as the scales. They tick around and land on 167 pounds (76kg)

"Dude!" Bennett shouts, "that's like, 27 pounds! (12kg). That is unbelieveable"

Harrison jumps on next stating he was around the 187 pound (85kg) mark. He watches in shock as the scales land on 163 pounds (74kg)

"Never in a million years could ever lose 24 pounds (11kg) in just over a month, that's crazy!"

I am never to jump on the scales. I am hesitant at first knowing I was so little before coming out here at about 119 pounds (54kg) and when I see the scales tick over to the 108 pound mark (49kg) I think I go into cardiac arrest.

"11 pounds! (5kg) Is this real?" I cry 

Everyone stands amazed looking at their bodies in a totally different perspective

"Let's not wait around much longer, let's dig in!" Harrison cries as he feasts

The more I eat, the less stress piles off my shoulders


Even though the game is basically over, there is still lots of work to be done.

I do believe I have the power to win this jury tonight. I think I made enough friendships and connections along with moves, that will get me to the million dollar mark tonight.

Tonight I need to work hard. I need to sit down and think about my game and how I can gain respect from the people on that jury to give me a million dollars.

I also need to look at the games of my competitors and compare our games and show them what I did better. Erika was basically dragged to the end of the game, I mean, she tried but Kate directed her through this game. Bennett's game could be debated as a good game, but he told shallow lies and empty promises. He voted Mora, his closest ally out of the game, as well as Kate and Courtney, two close companions of his.

I believe I have what it takes, I just need to do it right.

"Are you guys ready?" Bennett says, as the sun begins to set

Erika and I smile and nod, as we each grab a stick from the fire and throw it onto our shelter we lived in for so long.

We stand back and watch as it engulfs in flame and burns the sun. We watch as the memories resort to ash and the dreams all become rubble. Our hard work burns to the ground and we stand, accomplished with our games.

This is a new chapter of the game, and it's time to let it ride.

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