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This night is darker then the rest. The stars aren't shining as bright and the moon only shines as a slim crescent shape.

The perfect murkiness for a tough Tribal Council.

Below the palm trees and dark sky, is a fire lit area. Six flickering flames make their way to the enterance of the Tribal Council.

The six nervous castaways make their way to the end of one their journey's

They all acknowlege Jeff with a smlie or a wink as they walk past and place their torches in the ground.

Jeff smiles cheekily excited to snuff one of their torches. As they sit down, Jeff takes a large inhale and sits down on his stool.

"Now we'll bring in the jury" Jeff announces.

Everyone's head swings over to the enterance, and they watch as beautifully clean and dress people walk in

"Ricki, Jonathan, Kyle... and Leon voted out at the last Tribal Council" Jeff introduces. Leon stares blankly at all remaining castaways. Except he gives a subtle wink the Harrison, who smiles thankfully. The remaining six stare guiltily at Leon and the rest of the jury.

"Erika, congratulations on winning immunity, you were very excited to win it. Did you expect that to happen?" asks Jeff

"Oh my golly, Thank you! Never in a million years did I think I'd be winning immunity. It's awesome, and I just find it so cool I get to wear this nifty item around my neck" Erika giggles

"Harrison, you were close to winning, did you need the win for tonight?" questions Jeff

"Well Jeff, I think everyone needs immunity at this time. It's getting to the point where everyone needs the safety of immunity. No one is safe. But for me personally, all my close alliances are sitting on the jury. I don't have many close allies left, so it's getting harder and harder for me to stay alive. But I am doing my best to adapt" Harrison smiles

"Adapt. Now there is a good word, is adaptabilty a key to your game Mora?" Jeff asks

"Well, adaptability is a good thing I suppose, but in terms of my game, adaptability is not my biggest key. I play on strategic and physical ability. They're my biggest keys. " Mora shrugs

"So Bennett, how does this tribe operate. There seems to be lots of fractures between everyone, what was the environment like at camp today" wonders Jeff

"Today was busy to say the least. Everyone was on their toes, trying to stay alive. Everyone was darting around everywhere, talking to everyone. This game is so great, because everyone wants to stay so bad. It is amazing for people like me who love a challenge, and tonight will be an emotional challenge for me and others" Bennett answers

"Emotional challenge?" Jeff says confused

"At the pointy end of the competition, your going to have to say goodbye to people you like, and I think tonight is one of those nights" Bennett nods

"Kate, does that worry you at all. You have been with Bennett sine day one, and here he is saying, 'it's time to say good to people I like', are you worried by that comment?"

"Hell yes Jeff! Especially since Bennett barely spoke to me today about strategy" Kate purses her lips

"Ooo!" Mora says in the awkward silence. Bennett bites his lips

"In all due respect to Bennett though, he is a great guy... I love him, he is like a brother to me, but if he wants to blindside me, he should just make it a little less obvious"

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