DAY 21 - Making Impossible Work

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I can't believe the boys betrayed us like that. It is sort of comical but sort of annoying also. Tonight I lost my closest friend in the game, but that won't stop me from kicking these people's asses. They made a big mistake, Harrison, Leon and Kyle especially.

What I don't get though is that Jonathan still went with the plan and voted for Bennett. Kyle must not have told Jonathan that they were changing the plan. So that is a huge mistake on their part, and Kyle won't get much respect from the jury.

But I can't be to pissed, because its a game and everyone is making moves to win. It just sucks, because everyone I end up liking goes home. First Danielle, then Sean and now Ricki. So that is really hard.

Me and Jonathan are now left as the minority, I suppose. I mean, Jonathan could flip back at any time but good luck having acceptance from them. It's funny now he wants to work with me, but he didn't a week or two ago when he was about to get me out.

But I am going to hold my head up high, and slay everyone!


So, what the hell happened there. I was so confused, I thought I was the swing vote? I was the one that was meant to make the big, notorious move, and it didn't pay off for anything. All it has done is put me back on the minority.

I mean, I could probably vote with the majority, although then I'd be on the bottom and they'd get me out quick smart. So I am in a horrible position today, and am going to struggle getting back to the top. But I think I can work with Courtney maybe, and we can turn this game around.

I always wanted to work with Courtney on the old Malakal tribe, but she was to strong socially and strategically to keep around. So hopefully we can use those skills to get us back on top. It is definitely possible. I will work my magic on Kyle and see what happens.

It is so stupid that I made the agreement with Kyle to flip and work together, and only a few hours later he turns everything around and drops that agreement. So, good luck gaining respect now mate.


I still don't know if we have made the right choice or not

I think I have, but I just don't know.

We voted Ricki because we saw her as the biggest strategic threat in this game. She could whip up a fantastic plan to get anyone out and probably execute it. I was scared of that so got her out as soon as possible.

It was Harrison's idea mainly. He was the one really sold on it. I think it is because Harrison has to much of a big heart to play survivor and he felt bad going against Erika and Kate. Which is kind of stupid, but I think in the end it turned out alright

Kyle is pretty stupid. He should have convinced us not to, because he made Jonathan flip, for real. So everyone sort of looks at him like a fool now. Which I sort of feel bad about, as long as it isn't me to be honest.

My biggest concern flipping was that we would be out numbered. But we are going to try get everyone to turn on Mora, for being Mora, before both Jonathan and Courtney leave. If I had my way, Jonathan would be gone next and Mora straight afterwards, followed by Courtney. Then it'd be fight to the death with everyone else.

I think I have a good chance of winning, I just need to lay out a smooth path for myself to get there first.


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