DAY 29 - Accept Defeat, or Get Out!

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I cannot believe I won, I am too excited! As soon as I saw the challenge I knew it would be something I excel at. Not to sound up myself, but being agile and quick movement is the type of athleticism. That is really what I do best at, and I really wanted to win this one because the challenge reward looked amazing.

Getting of the boat, the scenery was nothing like I had expected. When Jeff explained it, I imagined a small, and cramped village that is stingy and dirty. But when we got off the boat, we rock up on a beach. As we walked onto the shore, there was a beautiful, lush plain fields, with several buildings spread very wide and far.

We are met by two local Palauan ladies, who lead us to a large hut. Once again, I miss understood the idea of a hut, I thought it would be a small structure of dust and mud, but it is a beautiful stone hut with a thatched roof. We walk in and immediately we notice a table of food. There is an array of meats, potato salads, veggies, pies and seafood. 

Erika, Courtney and I immediately, but respectfully, run to the table. We grab a plate and filled our stomachs whole. I have never tasted meat that had tasted so good.

As the three of us slowly get full on the food, we begin to start thinking about the game.

"So Courtney, how do you feel about the game so far?" I ask Courtney, politely.

"Yeah, pretty good, pretty good" Courtney bites her lip

"Do you think Leon is going to keep pushing to get Kate out?" I ask her again

"I think with Mora around who really wants Kate gone, Leon will draw from that and use it to push for Kate to go, which is annoying, because Kate is really nice" admits Courtney

"Wait... why does Mora even want Kate out?" Erika asks

"She is threatened by her power" Courtney says

"That's stupid" Erika cringes biting into a piece of meat

"Kate is really nice, if you ask me, Leon has way more power then her and is no way near as nice as Kate" I shrug

"Aw, Leon isn't that bad. He is just focused on winning" Courtney huffs

"He is running that alliance though. He has got a perfect game set out for himself. He has his two tag alongs, Harrison and Mora, and you as his disposable forth vote" I say, looking Courtney in the eye.

She cocks her eyebrows, "a disposable forth vote? Is that what you think I am?"

I can sense some thought in her vote. Her gears in her brain are working, I know it.

"Not at all. That's how he see's you though. I mean, why would Leon want to take you to the end. Your an underdog" I tell her

"Right" she says

"But us three" I say, as both Erika and Courtney look at me, "this here is golden and I will vouch for this. Us three in the final three sounds good to me, and I am not willing to turn my back on that"

I look at the girls. I sense a bit of hesitation on Erika's face, as if she think I believe what I am saying. I will have to inform her later I definitely do not want to go to the final three with Courtney and I am saying to swing her onto our side. Now that is fact

"Sounds good to me" Erika says however

"I have to keep my options open, you see" Courtney tells us, "and at the end of the day, if voting with you two and Kate is a better option for my game, that's how it has got to. But you know, if your deal isn't as sweet, it might not work out. I need to focus on furthering myself"

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