Day 32 - Knives are Being Thrown, Left, Right and Centre

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I cannot believe I won immunity!

A real immunity!

I have an immunity idol around my neck, and it is the most surreal feeling, I still can't believe it's true. I tried to remain humble in my win, but I was just to excited!

I don't know if I needed it, but, better safe then sorry.

I think the outcome of tonight's Tribal Council is going to have huge side effects, and there will be consequences from the decision. I think Bennett and Kate are finally going to snap on each other, and I think one of them could go.

I think the right thing is for Harrison to go, and I will try push for that, but this could be an intense one. I am just going to have to see where every bodies heads are at.

I have already told Kate, that Bennett is thinking of getting her out, and I am pretty certain Kate is going to retaliate and try go for him. 

I am just going to have to have my ears open and just be open to anything at this point.


Tonight is going to be a tough call. 

Last Tribal Council, I decided I would change my vote and vote out Leon. I may have a few enemies now, with Harrison and Mora, especially. I don't think we're going to be friends any time soon

Harrison, however, he is desperate. He is looking for any reason to stay alive because he is convinced that he is going now.

If I want to stay alive in this game, I am going to need to take control of my own game, by disabling those who are in trouble at the moment. Therefore, Kate has to go.

I love Kate, I think she is amazing. She is nice, she is caring and she is funny, but she is also very powerful. She has Erika wrapped around her finger, and is extremely tight with Bennett. 

If I want the power, I need Bennett or Erika on my side. Which is a good thing for me. A couple of days ago when Bennett, Erika and I went on a reward. We had a good conversation about voting out Kate, and how it needs to happen eventually. I am going to talk to Bennett, because he seems the most eager about voting Kate, and tell him that now is the time we need to do it.

If he doesn't do it, I can hold him accountable and probably not do him any favours for the rest of the game.

This is my moment to make the moves I need to, and ultimately win this game. There is still a chance for me, I just need to think more strategically, rather then emotionally.

We sit around the fire, no one really speaking. I try to make eye contact with Bennett, as if, giving him 'We have to talk' signals.

I watch carefully as Kate and Erika go off down the beach together. They had been talking quietly to each other around the fire, but I think they want to keep their conversation more private.

Mora, Harrison, Bennett and I soak up the silence as it lingers around us like a bad smell.

Breaking the harsh silence Bennett says, "Well, I am gonna go get some fire wood"

I seize the opportunity, "Yeah, I'll come with you. Stock for tomorrow"

"If your around tomorrow" Mora pipes behind my back quietly, but loud enough for me to here

"What the hell, Mora. You are such a bitch and I don't need you around me!" I tell her and take off with Bennett

My head space changes immediately, what if she is leaking a legitimate plan, and people are actually out to get me. I haven't thought about this, I've only thought about an attack plan, that I forgot defence.

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