DAY 4 - Not how the Princess likes it

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DAY 3 -


The walk back to camp was nothing short of awkward, although, I feel like it didn't need to be. It's like everyone felt bad for voting him out. But like, I don't really mind. I mean yea, its a big blow to my game, but it just shows I need to tweak my game a little. Some adjustments and I have an offer some couldn't resist

All the females in my tribe are super strong, independent females. There all trying to be the queen of this tribe. So none of them would turn down an all girl alliance.

It makes sense. To be a powerful woman, you don't need a man. So now what we just got rid of one, there are more girls then boys.

I'll ask Ricki first, because we really hit it off during Tribal Council. She high-fived me for something I said and I really like her point of views.

I don't want to put it to plan just yet, but come the next Tribal Council, hopefully this plan will come to action. This could be the beginning of something incredible, or the beginning of my elimination.


Arriving at camp was the biggest sigh of relief. I knew I wasn't going home, I wouldn't let it happen. If my name was called I wouldn't get up. But lucky I didn't need to and 'Cocky Conor' went home.

I feel like the tribe will be a much more relaxed and easy-going tribe. Of course when Kate goes next, it will be a well-working machine. Kate voted for me tonight, and so did one other person, and when I find that person they will go. No doubt. I have a hunch it was Leon or Bennett, so some tough interrogation will do the trick

I arrive back at our just as the rain comes. But when it rains it pours, and it certainly does. The rain is bucketing down like bullets. Walking back to the shabby shelter walking beside Ricki. Ricki took my side in Tribal Council so I need to talk to her and since if a future alliance could blossom out of this.

"Our shelter is holding up better then expected" Harrison says aloud as the rain gets heavier

"It's going to be a tight fit!" Ricki cries as she runs under the shelter and goes as tight into the corner as possible. The she,ter is quite tight, but we should all fit. If not, Kate can sleep on the rocks outside.

As it gets deeper into the night, the more and more holes appear in the room. Only small holes but still very annoying and wetting people. No one can be bothered getting up and adjusting so we all try to ignore it.

I pretend not to notice the rain but I can't, I'll be lucky to get two hours sleep tonight.




Last night was the worst night of my life. I had no sleep and am wetter then I would be if I went swimming.

Our shelter is the worst thing ever. We thought we did an amazing job with it, but last night just ruined us. The roof basically caved in when I first got up I had wet ferns from the roof over me life a blanket. I don't know if I can do it anymore.

The rain has finally stopped, but it will be back the dark cloud still looms over us

I sit against a tree, crying, with my jacket over me. Lindsay sits next to me just rubbing my back, trying to comfort me

"I don't think I can do it if there is more nights like this" I murmur

"Ssh, don't say that. We're four days in, don't give up now" she says to me quiet

"It's to much Linds" I readjust my jacket to get myself warmer, just as more run comes down


Tom, Danielle, Courtney and I all relax, as well as we can, in the make-shift shelter, that isn't really sheltering. Sean and Jonathan are trying to create a small covering over the top of the fire to keep the flame going so we can still keep warm around it. But Mora and Lindsay are crying. I don't think Lindsay is, but Mora definitely is.

The four of us laugh about how it is day four, and you could already be having a meltdown.

She won't last the game because she shows weakness. Anyone weak on this tribe needs to go. We need the strongest possible tribe, and someone who sooks day four is certainly not benefitting our tribe when we need strength.

"Look at her!" Courtney laughs and points as the rain comes down again

Mora is now sobbing with her head between her knees, which are brought up to her chest

"Do you think she will drop out?" Danielle asks

"Oh yea! Totally" Tom replies.

I think Tom was the only one to get a bit of sleep last night. Nothing effects that man.

We all huddle in closer as rain becomes hail.


Jonathan and I are the two hardest working members of our tribe. Everyone else is straight up lazy.

We have been building a tiny little covering, about 80cm high, over the top of the fire, trying to keep it dry.

We've been pretty successful with the shelter, it's just the fire... it went out.

The roof is also a bit of a struggle. We figured if we find a roof that works over the fire, then we might be able to duplicate it on the shelter and reassemble it when it gets dry again.

We are just having so many issues doing the roof however, because everything is so wet! Nothing is going to keep it dry.


It's about midday now and the huge rain cloud has past. So no more rain!

I feel quite bad for Mora. She's a little princess and that weather wasn't to her likings.

I just tried to nurture her, but I don't want to live under her shadow. I need to break free of the reputation of being with Mora and do my own thing and start playing this game.

Everyone has come together in hopes of rebuilding the shelter so we don't have anymore catastrophic night's like last night.

Sean and Jonathan run past the idea of what they did on a small fire shelter and say we should do the same roof layout of our own. Everyone is too tired to fight them so we find all the shrubbery we can on getting this roof fixed.

It's late afternoon by the time we finish. No rain has come since it last stopped. Everything however is still saturated.

Everyone has stripped down to barely nothing so we can hang our clothes to dry. The temperature is finally getting higher and tropical climate that we all love is finally coming back.

This is Survivor for ya!

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