DAY 13 - Switching it up

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DAY 12



Yea, so... that Tribal Council stung a little. I mean it was good in terms of my game. I stuck with the right alliance and kept the numbers on my side. Perfect.

It just sucks seeing good people go. Sean was such a nice, genuine guy with a great life story that he was happy to tell. He deserved to be here more then Lindsay tonight. He really did.

I know I have to keep my numbers strong and my alliance solid, but I don't know how long I can side with bad people. Mora is genuinely, a horrible person. A bully who will bully who ever for no reason.

But keeping her around is good for my game, because everyone will hate her. My plan is to keep her around until the merge and construct a vote to get her out. Therefore I am seen like a hero and win a million dollars.

What surprised me tonight however, was the fact that Tom voted for Lindsay. He actually thought Lindsay was going home tonight. He is way to flip-floppy and he is my next target. To scary to play with he is.

Mora will probably be "heart broken" because of what Courtney said about her tonight, but I don't care. We are voting Tom next.


Wasn't that just miserable.

Once again my main alliance was voted out, and I am the last man standing, and I am definitely not giving up. I will find any fractures in the core alliance and so far their is a huge break.

Tom voted for Lindsay, so I am going to try take the target off my back and onto Tom's. Get him out of the game. But now all I need to do is sustain my energy for challenges so we don't have to go back.

Arriving back at camp is very somber. No one speaks, except for stupid nitwits, Mora and Lindsay. I really, really do not like either of them at all! Especially Mora.

I went off at her today, all for good reason. I honestly hope listened and took in what I was saying, because she needs to change.

They need to stop giving power to satan by voting out everyone she wants.

DAY 13



Last night was the best sleep I have had yet. I don't know why it was, I just had the longest and undisrupted sleep and it was great.

I think it is because we haven't been to Tribal Council in a week and I think the tribe is starting to settle. There is a lot of unity now and peace. Previously the biggest riff in the tribe was between Kate and Ricki, but not having to dwell on it in Tribal Council has sort of settled it down.

I mean, they still probably don't like each other, but they aren't as vocal about it and disruptive to the tribe. Because it was getting old. I do love the girls though.

Harrison and I decide to get up and check out treemail. There isn't usually treemail until the day of the challenge, but when lifting the lid on the very tropical themed basket, we saw a message.

"Ooh, a message" I cheer

"What does it say" Harrison says all giddy

"Wait.. alright, ready" I tease

"Go already" he chuckles, nudging me

The letter reads:

Morning castaways,

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