DAY 23 - Get a Grip

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"Come on in, Juntos!" host Jeff Probst calls out, as the Juntos tribe all enter the challenge area.

The castaways only need one look at the challenge set up to realize what they will be participating in today.

Standing vertically, are nine, twenty feet polls.

Immediately they all know today's challenge will involved gripping onto those thick, wood polls.

The Juntos tribe form up on their green tribe mat as Jeff greets them, "How's everyone doing today?"

Everyone nods and smiles with a positive reply

"First things first, Mora I am going to take back immunity" Jeff announces as Mora sulks and walks over to him. Jeff removes the necklace and places it back on the stand

"Alright, today's challenge is very simple. Each of you, will hold onto a poll for as long as you can" Jeff announces

There are a few scoffs from Harrison and Kyle.

"It's that simple" Jeff smiles, "when you fall off the poll, your out of the challenge. Last person to remain on their poll, wins immunity where they are safe for at least one more day, losers will go to Tribal Council, where one of you will be voted out" everyone prepares themselves for their first endurance challenge.

"Winner also wins reward" Jeff announces

People cheer, genuinely excited for a reward.

Jeff reaches into his back pocket and pulls out envelopes

"Letters from home!" Jeff announces

Everyone gasps hysterically all emotionally effected by this announcement. Erika and Courtney already in tears.

"The winner will also enjoy a picnic by the amazing Ngardmau waterfall. Erika what do letters from home mean to you?"

"Oh Jeff" Erika wails between tears, "they mean everything to me! Out here is rough and your not sure how everyone perceives you, but you know the people in those letters truly love you"

Kate gives Erika a big hug as she wipes her eyes.

"Worth playing for?" Jeff asks the group. Everyone nods and feels the urgent need to win

"We'll draw for spots, lets get started" Jeff announces


"Survivors ready... Go!" Jeff says calmly.

Everyone is suspended close to the top of their poles. Each of the poles have a forty five centimetre radius and small foot holes half an inch of room, every foot.

Each foot hold also indicates the height you are gripping on to.

It is very calm, no one has barely moved.

"Harrison, struggling to get comfortable" Jeff observes as Harrison constantly re-positions himself.

"This challenge will determine how well you can cope with fear. How willing you are to hold on, even though every inch of your body is hurting" Jeff says to no one in particular

It is three minutes into the challenge and many are beginning to suffer.

Kyle's feet shuffle aimlessly on the pole, only holding on by the grip of his arms. He can not get his feet into a foot hole comfortably

Harrison is also losing progress. He loses his grip but slides down the pole in hope to find a place for his feet. But Harrison can not hang on, he hasn't have the strength nor ability to hold and slide to the bottom of his pole, to let go. Harrison lands on his feet on the sand.

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