Day 33 - Pick his Consequence

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So at the last Tribal Council, Courtney went home, and I was a big part of her departure.

It got to the point where I was so exhausted from trying to get Mora to go with my plan, that I gave up. She is so stubborn and close minded she ever would have sided with me. So I just said to her, that I want to be on the right side of the numbers, so what ever you do, I will do. I tried persuading her, but her stubborn ways wouldn't change. So I settled on voting Courtney.

It isn't really a big deal to me, because now it is easier for me to get Kate out, and that is my number one goal for me.

She think I trust her, and she trusts me even more now, because I didn't vote for her at the last Tribal. But all I have to do now is, let Mora know how much Kate has to go. I might do something dirty, and even turn them against each other. I need to think about it, but all I know is that Kate has got to leave.

Right now, Harrison is just a floating vote, and who ever gets to him first will win his vote. So I need his vote, but I'll need to do some serious damage control and tell him why I didn't vote him. I just need to remind him of the reasons he voted Kate and there are still ways he can vote her. I just have to make sure I'm not cast as desperate or a villain.

In terms of trust, right now. I literally trust no one. I have no alliances to anyone, so I just need to find anyone that will consider being with me. I just have to make sure I don't look dangerous, because the moment I look like I am trying to play them, is the moment I am targeted.


Surprise, surprise. I got votes at Tribal Council again. I honestly don't even get knots in my stomach any more because I am just so used to it. Although, the votes at last night's Tribal Council very much confused me.

At Tribal Council, I thought for sure it was Courtney and Bennett who voted for me, and I was ready to tear that kid apart. He was getting to cocky for me, and stepping to far out of his shell. I liked it better when he used to take orders from me, but now he has evolved. But on the way back to camp, I was assured that Bennett infact voted for Courtney and he said he had my back.

I believe him. I think it was just paranoia that was just making me think that. He said that Courtney was scrambling around making plans to vote me out, and that he was running around all day trying to burn out the fire's Courtney lit.

But the juiciest piece of information came from Harrison. He confessed he voted for me because he thought, 'the majority was voting for him'. Now that could have just been Courtney assuring him the majority was in fact voting for me. But Harrison spent lots of time with Bennett today, and that just brings back my worries about Bennett.

Right now I just have to remain level headed and friendly. I trust Erika and I trust Bennett to some extent. If the three of us can just stick it out to the end, this should hopefully be an easy six more days.

But deep down I know it won't be the case

Bennett and I will have to go head to head at one point, but for now I am going to act unknowingly. I am going to pretend I am still very close with Bennett, and tell him everything he wants to hear to his face, but I want to blindside him. I will make him feel like he is at the top, only to fall faster. It seems to be the only way I'll be able to progress these days. Unless he really is being loyal, I will keep him around.

He can pick his consequence


It's got to the point of the game where I just want to give up.

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