DAY 12 - Easy as 1-2-3

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So I pretty much hate everyone.

I never feel this way about people usually, but everyone did so bad in this challenge that it was like they were purposely trying to loose. They weren't because, Jonathan was the only one trying.

The most disappointing efforts today were from Lindsay. She was appalling. She barely occupied the pulley, she had a big mouth and it took her three turns to get the bottle. If she had done it first shot, then this challenge would have been a lot closer and we might have had a chance of coming out on top.

So I am going to pitch to Tom or Kyle and Jonathan to vote Lindsay out to avoid going to Tribal Council by voting out the weakest.

Them three are super competitive so I do think they will go with this plan at the end of the day. Because it benefits them more then voting out either Courtney or myself. I mean, what is the logic in voting us out? How is it benefiting them?

But Courtney and I have nothing to lose, so we are putting everything out on the table and hoping for a miracle.


Everyone today was shocking. I don't think anyone was putting one-hundred and ten percent into the challenge like I was.

No one was a star player today, and this really bugs me. Because I am the most competitive person in the entire world and when I lose as bad as thing, I get really, really mad.

Sean has been bad-mouthing everyone during and after the challenge, at that is really bugging me. Because he didn't do great in the challenge either. So I feel like he is being really hypocritical.

Lindsay also did dismal. I didn't think it is possible for someone to possibly be that bad, but she showed me and pretty much was that bad. As it stands, there is no official alliance formed between Lindsay and I, I just voted along with her and Mora and at the last Tribal Council, so I am waiting for a pitch to come to me because at the moment, I am very in the dark about who to vote out.

Arriving at camp was like being in a prison cell. Everyone was over it and the mood was sour.

Immediately all the group at camp all split up to have their debrief. I sit with Kyle, my main alliance, and Tom sits with us. Tom still likes to think he is in charge of us, but I am thinking of voting him out after this vote. I hate how he belittles us and his personality to be frank.

"Well boys, that was something" Tom says, patting Kyle on the back and sitting next to us. We sit on the edge of the water well, a fair distance from anyone, so they can't hear us.

"Not gonna lie, everyone kind of sucked" Kyle says, looking at Tom after Tom's efforts today weren't extraordinary.

"True there brother" I say, "what is our plan of action for tonight?"

"I think Courtney, because we don't need her vote and she is weak" Kyle states

I nod in agreeance, "It's the best option we have to make this tribe and our game better"

"No, no, no!" Tom disagrees shaking his head. I roll my eyes, "we need to get rid of Mora. She is way more threatening then anyone and we need to be on top ya'll"

"Dude, you don't get it. We got plenty of time to get her out, everyone hates her" I say quite stern

"You'll hate her more when she votes us all out, won't you" Tom mutters back

"She won't vote us out man, she needs our vote to stay here" I say calmly, trying to avoid an argument

"If we vote out Courtney or Sean now, then she won't need our votes anymore" says Tom a little more on edge then last time.

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