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"Come on in Malakal" host Jeff Probst calls out and one by one the members of the tribe file in, torches lit, one about to be snuffed and a journey about to end.

The flickering lights of flame cast shadows among the Tribal Council area. Everyone stares at the central fire pit, focuses and nervous.

"Well, good evening" Jeff greets as he takes a seat on his stool, opposite to the castaways. A mumbled reply soon follows and everyone has taken their seat.

"Right, lets get to it" Jeff starts

"We'll start at the beginning, Tribe Swap! How was that for you Erika?" asks Jeff

"Well, it was great to meet these lovely new people, but honestly, I felt like I was in a great place in Belau and I felt like an unwanted guest at Malakal" Erika admits

Bennett cocks an eyebrows when Erika mentions her comfort on her old Belau tribe

"How did you feel having people on your beach that will be staying permanently, Tom?" wonders Jeff

"It was bit of an uncomfortable shock. But lucky they were nice and they weren't a fret at all" Tom says

"It's a perfect split of three old Belau and three old Malakal members. How does that play into tonight's vote Kate?" Jeff asks

"Well luckily for me, the old Malakal people have a little more 'scandal' happening among them, whereas we are a little more less controversial. So it might be a tie tonight, or maybe some flip-flopping" Kate hints

"Mora, at the last Tribal Council you announced that you somewhat enjoy Tribal Council. This is your third in a row, still feeling excited?" Jeff asks humorously. Everyone laughs a little to themselves.

"Of course Jeff. I love Tribal Council. But I must say, I am feeling a little more nervous going into this one" Mora replies

"Why?" Jeff dives deeper into his question

"Because well... Malakal hasn't been getting along a great amount, and so I may have a few foes not friends"

"Tom, are you a foe or a friend of Mora's?" Jeff asks

"I am probably a foe. She doesn't like me very much" Tom smirks

"Jonathan, where do you sit then in all this old Malakal madness?" Jeff questions

"Well, I certainly don't sit comfortably. But I feel like I made enough bonds to get me through a little longer. I am good at not pissing people off," Jonathan says as Mora scoffs, "and so I feel like I don't paint as big a target on myself as other's have done to themselves"

Jonathan briefly looks at Mora and smirks

"This must be great for you Kate, all this going down with the old Malakal members, you previous Belau members can kick back a little"  queries Jeff

"I suppose so, because they come to talk to us. We just have to listen and choose the best path" Kate answers

"Tom, does oday's challenge really determine anything about how tonight's vote with turn out?" Jeff wonders

"It could. I think it is bit of a fight for numbers at the moment" Tom replies

"What about you Jonathan, are using today's challenge as a reason for your voting" Jeff asks

"Well, I think it should definitely be taken into consideration. I mean, we need a strong tribe" Jonathan looks down at Kate and Erika.

Kate cocks an eyebrow and says, "I don't think you can really blame individual efforts for today's challenge, it didn't really require singular efforts"

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