Final Tribal Council

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The night stands still

As if everything has gone into hiding, awaiting in anticipation.

There is the quiet hum of crickets chorus over the silent wilderness that roam the Palaun jungles.

The three fame emerge.

From the bushes and down the Tribal Council path. Each slow, flickering and anxious.

The heart's beat fast like a running cheetah, and there adrenaline flies higher than a rocket.

But when they stand foot in the Tribal Council area, they steady their breathing and think of what their job is.

"Welcome Final Three" Jeff introduces as they sit and smile kindly.

"We'll now bring in the members of our jury" Jeff states, as the three heads swivel towards to enterance. "Ricki, Jonathan, Kyle, Leon, Courtney, Kate and Mora voted out at the last Tribal Council.

The jury enters like an intimidating gang. All stern faced and squad like mentality. 

"Okay final three, Bennett, Harrison and Erika, you are now beginning the component of the game where the jury, who you had a hand directly or indirectly voting out of this game, will get to ask you questions in order to make the decision on who to vote as the winner." Jeff says

Smiles creep on to each individual's face, whether it been out of anxiety or excitement.

"Now Jury, some of you have been waiting a long time to address these three.  Your job tonight is simple, gather information to help you make a million dollar decision." Jeff says as the eyes of Ricki light up as she has wait twenty days to finally get her chance. "Let's get started with opening speeches, Erika your up"

Erika smiles widely

"Hello guys! Now before we begin I want to say on my behalf how much of a pleasure it was to play with each of you. You were all so brilliant and bright and sharing this life changing experience with you was amazing. When your voting tonight, I want you to think about not only the moves we've made, but how we were as players. It's easy to take the easy way out and turn the knife onto every one of your allies, but it's far harder to build relationships and bonds with people and stay genuine and true to yourself. Once again, thank you guys, I can't wait to here from you" Erika beams

"Thankyou Erika" Jeff smiles, "Bennett.."

Bennett begins with a dashing smile before he begins and turns his attention to the jury. "Sup guys, like Erika, I am extremely blessed to play the game with such incredible people as yourselves. Coming into this game, I immediately saw myself as an underdog. I am the youngest person here, only nineteen years old and I never imagined myself to play a tactile game that I could stand up and say I'm proud of in the final three. I believe I played more of an upfront and aggressive game, compare to my pals sitting next to me. Regardless of how you vote tonight, I know I will be proud of myself, because the game I played was something I knew I had to do in order to get me out of sticky situations in this game. Thanks a bunch guys!" 

"Well said Bennett. Harrison, your turn"

"Ladies and Gentlemen, how are we this evening" Harrison says, with a slight chuckles and response from the jury, "in this game, we are all a dealt different hand of cards. Unlike others, my hand I had wasn't the easiest to work with, having to handle being in several minorities and making many crucial game-changing moves. I can't wait to here from you all"

Harrison smiles accomplished by his speech

"Thankyou Harrison" Jeff smiles, "Jury this is where I hand it over to you. Ask your questions carefully, whatever you need to make that million dollar decision. Kate you're up!" 

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