DAY 19 - Adapting to Change

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DAY 18



The decision was made and we voted out Lindsay.

It all came down to loyalties and who will stick tight at merge.

We thought Lindsay definitely would flip over to Mora, she told me herself. She said she and I could flip over with Mora and Jonathan which proves she was a lose cannon.

I think we made the right decision, because Courtney and Ricki will stick together but also stick with Leon, Harrison and I at the merge. Even if they decide to turn on us three boys, there is three of us and two of them.

Now our mission is for our tribe to win the next immunity challenge, so we have numbers at the merge. So in hind sight, getting rid of Lindsay was the best bet, people were just scared of having smart, therefor dangerous people around camp.

Arriving back at camp was the most peaceful yet. All the Malakal Tribal Council's were hectic, all hell broke loose. Everyone was on edge and angry, but now everyone is kind of calm. Everyone came back and did there own thing.

I have faith in this tribe, I know we can do awesome things. We just have to stick tight

DAY 19



Today is a beautiful day. I woke up and the water is calm and the native birds chirp.

Bennett and I found a fresh batch of papaya and the entire tribe sit in the ocean eating papaya. It almost sounds like paradise. Our own beach, the most beautiful, tropical land on this earth.

We all laugh and share stories, it is a fantastic vibe. I haven't felt this great since I came out here.

I don't think we would have this great vibe if we had to go to Tribal Council last night. Since we went to Tribal Council last time, everyone has become a lot closer.

Tom must have been a negative influence on the tribe. Although my theory is that you take away any of the ex-Malakal the environment will be a lot more peaceful. So that is what happen with Tom and now Mora and Jonathan get a long, kind of. It a brother and sister situation, they agree to disagree.

A part of me also thinks it is just Mora being very flirtatious so she can have at least one friend, because she has a bad attitude. So she is sucking up to Jonathan so they could be close.

Another worrying aspect about Mora is that no one knows her. No one knows what she is thinking. No one knows where her head is at, she is one big mystery.

So hopefully, we have her on our side if we merge soon. According to Jonathan she is very close with Lindsay, and the chances of the two of the pairing back is very likely.

Jonathan is quite a nice guy when he lets his macho man, cool guy guards down. But is he trustworthy?

All in all, we have a good tribe. I can see us all sticking through to the top 5.

Erika and I finish our papaya's and decide to check tree mail. There isn't usually stuff in it, but we check anyway as instructed.

Erika has become like a motherly figure, but also a best friend.

We walk down the windy paths in the jungle until we come to the bamboo basket that is tree mail.

Erika opens the lid

"Ooh, a note!" Erika cheers gleefully

A part of me is surprised. It is challenge day?

"Oh my gosh!" Erika chimes, hand over her mouth.

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