Chapter 21

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Solar Flare sat on the couch and looked at the staticky TV. Spudow, Wall-Knight, and Nightcap were all playing a game as Chompzilla slept in the other room.

Solar Flare flopped over and stared out a window. Dark purple clouds blocked out the moon as she curled up in a ball.

How's Shadow doing? Is she alright? She hasn't called me at all. And what's going to happen once we're all back? The zombies are not going to give up the city without a fight. Solar Flare pulled up her communicator and was about to call, when Spudow's voice stopped her.

"Flare? Are you ok?" Spudow asked as he looked up from his card game.

Solar Flare nodded. "I'm fine. I just need some air." Solar Flare got up and walked to the lookout post. She climbed up the stairs before opening the doors to the outside.

A nice warm breeze hit her face as she put her leaves on the railing. She could see the lights from the city as they illuminated the clouds.

"Flare? Is everything alright?" Nightcap walked out.

"No." Solar Flare folded her leaves.

Before Nightcap could speak, Solar Flare turned to him. "I'm scared, Nightcap. I'm really scared." Tears started to stream down her cheeks. "I'm scared of what might happen to Shadow, I'm scared of what's going to happen once everyone returns." Solar Flare started crying as Nightcap pulled her into a hug.

"Flare, I understand that you're scared, and I am too." Nightcap brushed his hand through her petals as he continued to hug her.

"I don't know what to do anymore." Solar Flare choked out as she gazed at the city. "What if the zombies decide to attack our base? What if Shadow gets hurt?" Solar Flare wiped her eyes.

Nightcap looked at the city. "Once Shadow does come back, we'll come up with a plan to get the city back. Don't worry." Nightcap gripped Solar Flare's shoulders.

"And what if the plan fails?"

Nightcap rubbed the back of his head, he looked concerned as he sighed. "I don't know. I can't see the future."

Solar Flare sighed and lifted Nightcap's hands off her shoulders. She didn't respond to him as she stared at the city. Nightcap nodded and put his hand on the railing.

The wind blew against the two plants as they stared at the city. Solar Flare glanced at him before leaning against him. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For talking with me. I just needed to get some stuff off my chest." Solar Flare drew her leaf over the railing. "It's kinda hard without Shadow here." Solar Flare folded her leaves. "I normally talk to her or Rose whenever I feel upset. It just doesn't really feel normal without them here."

"Well, I'm here." Nightcap patted her shoulder before turning around and leaning on the railing. "You know what's funny?"


"You and Shadow act just like sisters." Nightcap continued. "It's kinda cute."

Solar Flare laughed. "I guess you could say that. She always did think the team was kind of like a family."

Nightcap rolled his eyes. "She's not the only one."

"You think we're a family too?" Solar Flare raised an eyebrow.

Nightcap nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I know were not all related, but...". Nightcap took a deep breath. "I see this team as a family."

"Aww, that's cute." Solar Flare smiled as she took his hand. "Now come on. It's going to storm soon."

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