Chapter 13

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Solar Flare turned around and saw Electric Boogaloo at the edge of the clearing. He was holding the tape recorder and smirking.

"I guess my trap was partly successful." Electric Boogaloo said, walking towards Solar Flare.

Solar Flare stood up and was about to put her goggles on, when Boogaloo stopped her.

"Ah, ah, ah. You wouldn't want to do that in here, would you?" Electric Boogaloo said, looking at the trees.

Solar Flare narrowed her eyes and walked towards him.

"I cannot believe you would pull something like that!" Solar Flare gestured towards the pit.

Electric Boogaloo laughed and put his hands on his hips.

"Oh, believe me. I would."

Grass Knuckles struggled to pull himself and Green Shadow out of the pit.

"I can't do it. I just can't." Grass Knuckles whimpered.

Green Shadow sighed and listened to the confrontation between Solar Flare and Electric Boogaloo.

Just then Grass Knuckles gasped and held Green Shadow's leaf tightly.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"The vine's breaking." Grass Knuckles whispered.


"THE VINE'S BREAKING!" Grass Knuckles shouted out.

Solar Flare ran to their side and grabbed one end of the vine.

"No way, I'm not going to lose you guys aga-"

Solar Flare was zapped away from them.

"Don't even think about trying to save them. This is my trap, and I'm going to break that vine!"

Solar Flare tackled Electric Boogaloo to the ground as Grass Knuckles watched them argue.

"I think I have an idea."

"Ok, tell me."

"Climb me."

Green Shadow paused before looking at him in complete bewilderment.

"No way. I can't do that. The vine might break."

"The vine's going to break. It can't hold the two of us."

Green Shadow sighed and grabbed his shoulder.

"I hate this idea, but if it's going to get us out then...". Green Shadow trailed off as she climbed up Grass Knuckles.

Green Shadow reached the top and watched as Solar Flare was pinned down by Electric Boogaloo.

"That was easy! Really easy." He laughed.

"Only because I can't use my powers in here." Solar Flare grunted.

Green Shadow blasted Electric Boogaloo with a Precision Blast and ran to Solar Flare as she got up.

"You ok?"

"I'm fine." Solar Flare said.

"Alright. Go help Grass Knuckles, I take Boogaloo."

Solar Flare nodded and ran over to Grass Knuckles, while Green Shadow kicked Electric Boogaloo in the shin.

Electric Boogaloo yelped and backed up before sending a couple of bolts at Green Shadow. Green Shadow quickly dodged the bolts and fired a barrage of peas at him.

Electric Boogaloo blocked the peas and was about to hit Green Shadow again, when something was thrown at him from the trees.

Electric Boogaloo fell over and looked up and around.

"Who did that?!" He shouted as he got up.

Solar Flare finally pulled Grass Knuckles from the pit and joined Green Shadow.

"You're outnumbered Boogaloo. It's over." Grass Knuckles said.

Electric Boogaloo clenched his fist and shot some electricity at the three plants.

A hulking figure came running out of the forest, smashing into Electric Boogaloo and sending him into a tree.

The figure was covered with swamp grass, sticks and had a terrible odor coming off of it.

"It's bigfoot!" Grass Knuckles shouted.

"Bigfoot's not-," Green Shadow was cut off as the figure picked her up and started hugging her.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" The figure sobbed out.

Missed me? Green Shadow removed some of the swamp grass to reveal an antenna and a tannish-brown smiling face.


"Yes! It's me!" Spudow shouted, hugging Green Shadow tighter.

Solar Flare squealed and hugged Spudow.

"I can't believe it's you! You smell terrible!" Solar Flare shouted.

Spudow just smiled and hugged Solar Flare.

"It's good to see you to, Flare."

Electric Boogaloo got up and glared at them.

"You little...". He stopped and clenched his fist before walking off.

The four plants watched Electric Boogaloo walk off into the moonlit swamp.

"Sounds like he couldn't take us all on." Grass Knuckles sneered.

Green Shadow nodded as she was set down by Spudow.

"Well, we better get back to Crazy Dave and Rose."

The four plants walked back while Spudow told them what happened.

"Anyways, I was taken here and fell into a bog. When I got out, I was covered in mud and swamp grass."

"Why didn't you go to town and find help there?" Solar Flare asked.

"Well, I didn't want to scare anyone." Spudow responded.

Green Shadow laughed.

"I'm glad you're back Spudow."


Penny was still parked in the lot as Rose got out to greet them.

"We found Spudow!" Solar Flare shouted.

Rose looked at the muddy figure and raised her eyebrow.

"Spudow? Is that you?"

Spudow removed some more of the mud and nodded.

"It is, Rose. Nice to see you again."

Rose was about to hug him when she covered her nose.

"What is that horrible smell?"

"Swamp." Spudow said cheerfully.

Rose let out a soft chuckle as she raised her wand and cast a spell on Spudow.

All the grime and guck on him was erased as Spudow was back to normal.

"Much better." Rose said as she finally hugged him.

Green Shadow got back into Penny and sat down while the others got in.

"So, where to next?" Grass Knuckles asked.

"Well it's on an island." Rose said, taking out a blanket.

"Cool." Grass Knuckles put his arm around Green Shadow.

Rose smiled softly and took the goggles off of Solar Flare as she draped the blanket over her sleeping form.

"We'll leave at dawn tomorrow."

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